Hi, I’m running Hassio on a RPi3 and want to commit to a Github repository to backup and share my setup.
What is the best way at to secure my secrets file? I’m guessing people go for one of two options from looking at example configs…
Redact all of the sensitive information. How do you do this efficiently? Doesn’t this mean you have to repeatedly paste/copy/redact every time you commit or pull?
Use a gitignore folder. But then can you refer to secrets! directly in your yaml files? From looking at @bruhautomation s config you can’t see the secrets file (so I assume it’s in gitignore?) but the code references secrets! directly?
I just posted information on how I’m securely storing my sensitive files alongside the rest of my configruation. This allows me to keep versioned backups of all files and allows me to move between my testing VM when I travel and my production VM at home