Hiding sensors when creating a device with mqtt discovery

Hello everyone,
I have some questions about the MQTT discovery service.
Using this service I managed to implement a device having multiple switches and sensors and I am pretty pleased with it has turned out.


This is how the device is rendered in the lovelace interface, the readings for the sensors are currently unavailable because I don’t have the feading device turned on, but they work flawlessly.
(I’m open to share the code used to register the device to home assistant, if anyone is interested)

Now I was wandering if it could be possible to add more sensors to my device without having them shown in the lovelace interface;
these are less important informations and I don’t want to clutter up the interface

I tried to search in the documentation but I didn’t find anything.
Thanks in advance

If you give the entity an entity_category of diagnostic or config it will not be added to the dashboard automatically but will still show up in the device page in a card for the category.

See: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/sensor.mqtt/#entity_category

e.g, these sensors marked Diagnostic to not automatically show up in the default dashboard:

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Worked like a charm, thank you so much!

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