High Accuracy Mode Flashing On and Off Constantly, Causing Overheating and Battery Drain

Good Day,

Having a problem with 2 of 3 Samsung devices.
All 3 are set up identically, but 2 are having problems with High Accuracy Mode.
This issue is causing both devices to overheat when sat untouched on a counter, as well as burn through about 50% battery in a matter of a few hours

I’ve spent a few hours trying to find the issue, and the most recent thing I have found is it’s triggered by either enabling/disabling the service or by changing the update interval.

Not sure how to post a video, so will link a video I have taken (YouTube):

Note that trying to reproduce the issue is not being very successful.

When setting the update interval from 240 seconds to 60 seconds, it was causing the flickering.
Then that stopped causing the flicker, and in turn changing it to 50 seconds caused it.

For the last 10minutes, nothing I have done is able to reproduce the problem.

I have however managed to get some logs by using “unique” update interval times as bookmarks:

09-19 15:03:57.558 16757 19953 D FCMService: From: 331041709873
09-19 15:03:57.610 16757 19739 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:03:57.622 16757 16757 D MessagingService: Processing device command
09-19 15:03:57.632 16757 16757 D HighAccLocService: Try restarting high accuracy location service (Interval: 95s)...
09-19 15:03:57.632 16757 16757 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Restart service HighAccuracyLocationService
09-19 15:03:57.633 16757 16757 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService
09-19 15:03:57.635 16757 16757 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Service HighAccuracyLocationService was destroyed. Stop service
09-19 15:03:57.635 16757 16757 D HighAccLocService: High accuracy location service stopped -> onDestroy
09-19 15:03:57.641 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:03:57.645 16757 19644 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:03:57.669 16757 19671 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:03:57.673 16757 19671 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:04:01.249 16757 19706 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.255 16757 19647 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.263 16757 18081 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.268 16757 19727 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.336 16757 19737 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.340 16757 19674 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.342 16757 19706 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.342 16757 19706 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.348 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.349 16757 19647 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.350 16757 19647 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.351 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.355 16757 18081 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.355 16757 18081 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.356 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.358 16757 19727 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.358 16757 19727 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.359 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.369 16757 19740 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.374 16757 19672 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.375 16757 18035 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:04:01.403 16757 18065 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.408 16757 18035 D LocBroadcastReceiver: High accuracy mode appears to have stopped, restarting high accuracy mode
09-19 15:04:01.412 16757 19737 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.412 16757 19737 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.413 16757 19728 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:04:01.413 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.418 16757 19674 D HighAccLocService: Try stopping high accuracy location service...
09-19 15:04:01.418 16757 19674 D ForegrndServiceLauncher: Stop service HighAccuracyLocationService. Service currently restarting. Stopping service after it is restarted.
09-19 15:04:01.418 16757 19726 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:04:01.418 16757 16757 D SensorReceiver: Received intent: io.homeassistant.companion.android.UPDATE_SENSORS
09-19 15:04:01.423 16757 17496 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
09-19 15:04:01.431 16757 19736 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true

Just a note to add, I have tried turning it on and off using the “turn_on”, “turn_off” and “force_on”, “force_off” commands.

Clearing Cache and Data does not seem to help, once the app opens, it starts flashing again.

I have tried every setting, every button, every combination of commands and settings I can think of.

If anyone has any advice or feedback it would be greatly appreciated.

can you please share a screenshot of the high accuracy mode settings you have configured in app?


can you tell me waht you expect to happen with high accuracy mode? you dont have it configured to turn on/off automatically based on a zone or connected BT device. It is only trying to get an update every 4 minutes which is a longer interval than standard background tracking

So the way I have it set up:

When DeviceA is detected as “Away” (Not in a zone):

  • Turn On High Accuracy
  • Set Update Interval to x (in this case 60 seconds)

When DeviceA is detected to enter any zone:

  • Turn Off High Accuracy
  • Set Update Interval to x (in this case 240 seconds)

The reason for turning off High Accuracy as well as setting an update interval, is because I have been having mixed results.
Currently, since activating High Accuracy, one device reports its location every 1-20 seconds.
I know <5 is meant to be impossible, but the other day one device almost crashed my HA instance because the map had too many points on it, and when going point to point, the majority of dots were 1-3 seconds apart.

Even now, I have one device, where even though Update Interval is set to 240 seconds, it’s updating every 5 seconds:
The following image is a 1-hour history of the device’s location, while inside a zone where high accuracy should be off, and the update interval is set to 240.
Each dot is 5 seconds apart.

I have tried turning High Accuracy off, but it appears to turn itself on again without my input and also does the flashing on and off.

Since I posted this thread 2 hours ago, I have not touched the phone I took a recording of.
As you can see below, Accuracy mode turned itself back on without my input and is in a state of turning on and off constantly again.
I left the phone to the side at the place where the arrow is pointing.
The device is physically hot to the touch.

do you really need to use high accuracy mode? what is wrong with the default standard location tracking the app provides? Sounds like you are using high accuracy mode as a crutch instead of fixing the location tracking issue.

by default you should be seeing updates coming in every 1-3 minutes without needing high accuracy mode.

high accuracy mode is really designed if you need FASTER updates than that.


I am setting the update interval to 240 in this case as I have not gotten High Accuracy to turn off at any point, and 60 because anything less seemed to trigger the constant on-and-off problem.
Although the on and off issue is happening regardless of the setting.

So please disregard my update interval numbers, they are merely for explination purposes and what I used while testing.

My intention is to have high accuracy to turn on while traveling, with an update frequency of anywhere between 5 and 30 seconds, the lower the better.
And when not traveling (within a zone) turn off High Accuracy and only get updated as per the normal 1-5minutes.

I am more interested in when devices arrive at their destination and their route travelled.
Without High Accuracy enabled location updates were too far and few between.

The issue I am facing is that the devices appear to go into an infinite loop of turning High Accuracy on and off as seen in my video, which is essentially killing the phones.

does the issue resurface if you force stop and open the app again?

I tried getting the most recent log from this occurrence.
But I think the logs are far too large from the issue as the app keeps crashing when trying to open the log file.

Not sure how to quote my past reply, but was referring to where I showed my device history.


I just force-closed the app, stopped the app, cleared the Cache, and launched the app.
The problem was still occurring.

Note that my Cache size was 120MB

ok can you please open an issue on github making sure to fill out the issue template? Please provide us with a few minutes of the logs so we can get a bigger picture of the issue. Show the screenshots of how high accuracy mode was setup and how you are able to reproduce it so we can take a closer look at things. If you are using a notification command please provide teh YAML used too. The more informative the better here.

Thanks, will do that.

Will provide as much detail as possible.

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I have posted an issue on GitHub, hopefully, I have explained it thoroughly enough.
For a last piece of information, I managed to record a clear video of both my Home Assistant instance sending commands, and the phone triggering High Accuracy On and Off.

Hopefully this is clearer than my previous images/video.

Appreciate your time and assistance @dshokouhi
Keep well and have a good week ahead.

sorry its not in the correct location, should be with the android app


Let me post it in the correct one.

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