Hello everyone,
I have enabled background location and high accuracy mode when entering the home zone. It works most of the time (occasionally the high accuracy mode won’t turn on somehow. It is annoying when you came back home at night and the porch light sometimes wouldn’t turn on automatically but I guess that’s life, right?). I’ve also noticed (via the logbook) that sometimes even when I was within the home zone the whole day, the high accuracy mode would randomly turn on itself and turn off in a minute or two. These random events wouldn’t trigger any automations that use entering home zone as a trigger though.
I have read the docs re Location | Home Assistant Companion Docs but still couldn’t get my head around it as to why.
Just wondering are these random high accuracy mode on and off events normal and required to locate where you are or is it to do with the value of the minimum accuracy (mine is set as 200 which is the default)?
Many thanks in advance.