HAHA is something that I kind of miss as well.
High Availability or “business continuity” is not the same as having backups, as I’m sure everyone here is aware of.
I do agree that having made backups and having some preparation done, is a good solution for people that know what they’re doing. I can set-up something like that myself (and will in the coming year).
But there are some other considerations:
Home Assistant is breaking through to some spheres of population which are very new to it. At least that’s my feeling. I’m sure HA people here will be able to confirm or debunk this feeling of mine.
Additionally, I feel that lots of these people are just a bit less technical, since they don’t have to be anymore. More and more things are more and more user-friendly. And can be done through GUI and such, without having to be able to edit yaml files and such.
At the same time these people will rely more and more on HA. Some (most?) of them won’t necessarily have manual backups available for their devices if HA goes offline. And only when that happens for the 1st time may they even start thinking that it would be a good idea if there was a backup stored somewhere.
Now, imagine if these people are the same ones that have purchased HA Green, for example. Again, I’m sure you’re familiar with HA Green marketing approach: “It’s plug-and-play”. Very assurance-inducing statements there.
It would be soooo much better if there was a way to buy a second HA Green box and set it up as a passive redundant pair for the 1st one. Have it running, but not do anything apart from being a recipient of daily (hourly) backups. When primary Green goes offline, the second one takes over the MAC and IP address and goes into active mode and keeps on serving the home.
Of course there are some potential obstacles (Z-Wave being maybe the most obvious, but even that could be bypassed, I believe). But putting some effort in additional stability of home automation, which we all love and increasingly rely on, would be inspiring to a lot of people who are looking into it.
Actually, one of my peeves here is that this sentiment has been expressed a few times and the feeling that I get is from responses: “you don’t know that you don’t actually need this”. That gives me a feeling that I’m not used to in this community. It gives me a feeling of being patronized. And I don’t like it here. It’s mostly absent in other areas, though 
Don’t want to be too harsh. Product is great and I love it to bits. Community is awesome and developers and owners are kind of demi-gods in my opinion.