High CPU temperature spikes

HI, I’m having problems for a few days with the temperature OF the CPU, since on average it is being high but also every hour more or less hits peaks that reach 75-76 degrees. How can I know the process that causes the temperature to rise so much? What can be the problem? Everything is updated to the latest versions. Thank you


By the way I have purged the database as I read but it has not improved anything

You may have to wait a few hours for logs to build up to see what errors are occurring around the spikes. Publish the errors around that time and someone may be able to point something out.

Hi I just updated to 2023.4.5 hereafter CPU temp. went up to over 70°C. maby same issue. “Version 2023.4.5”

This has been the solution, the update of the operating system to version 10.1. It has drastically lowered the CPU temperature to normal levels. Luckily because at average temperatures about 80 degrees was suffering a lot the RPI3. :grinning: