High humidity notification or action trigger for all humidity sensors

Simple high humidity detection for all humidity sensors.
Threshold and days/time of the query can be selected.
Individual sensors can be excluded.

Big thanks goes to sbyx. His code inspired me.


Thank you for this great blueprint!

There is a copy & paste error in your action part: Your comment for the actions called the low battery status :wink:

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Hi. Thanks for your efforts.

I was wondering if you knew a way to get the names of the rooms to a tts engine. In the best case without another helper-entity.

For my windows I check the state with a helper-entity called: binary_sensor.fenster

Whenever one of those hast a state of “on” for more than 15 mins the following action is performed.

service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer_homepod_mini
language: de
message: >-
Folgende Fenster sind über 15 min offen: {{ states |

state_attr('binary_sensor.fenster','entity_id')) |
selectattr('state','eq','on') |

map(attribute='name') | join(', ') }}

Do you know a way to implement this easier in your blueprint?


can we also get warning for helpers? using 433 sensors that change id every time when you change batteries. so using helpers to keep history and such.