High Supervisor RAM usage

In Supervisor > System > System Metrics my Supervisor RAM usage is at 212.4%

Anyone know why or whether this is normal.

Im running HA on a NUC in Proxmox fully updated to the latest updates.

The HA VM has 8Gb memory with 2Gb minimum set and 100Gb hard drive space.
I am running a few add on’s including Unifi Controller.

Nothing obvious (in my eyes) shows up in Glances, although in Proxmox VM Summary, Memory usage is always in the red running at 91%. If I restart the VM its ok for a while but is soon back in the red.

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No it is not normal.

I’m running HA version 2020.11.0 (latest) on a NUC… I have the same problem but I can reproduce it. Supervisor RAM Usage is at 1,5% or ± 115 MB. After taking a full snapshot Supervisor RAM Usage is at 60,7% or ± 4,3 GB. There are no errors in the log files. Restart server changes nothing. After rebooting host machine Supervisor RAM Usage is back ok (± 1,5%)

I have the same behavior here. When I take a backup image, the supervisor’s RAM usage increases to 13.6% if I leave one image. Adding more images will increase it again. Restarting the server does not change anything. Restarting the entire system returns RAM supervisor to 1.4% until another image backup is created. Rpi4 8Gb. Like if the image backup remained in the supervisor RAM.
I don’t know if this is normal behavior or not.

I have this same issue running HA Supervised on ProxMox. Only solved by restarting the VM. Restarting the HA server itself does no good. I’m currently at 156% after running for about 18 hours and after one backup image. After VM restart, I’ll stay around 3-20% until the first image is saved, after which I will be above 120%. Consistently. Every time. Requires a full restart of the system to “fix”.

I have this same issue running HASSIO on Proxmox after Samba Backup Schedule. Anybody have found workaround ?

Same issue - running Hassio on proxmox VM.

Supervisor memory usage keeps increasing over night (when the backups work).

Is anyone looking at this issue or is there a resolution. Appears to have been around for awhile.

Could be the cause for my ZHA (skyconnect) failing every 2-3 days!!! I have not confirmed this but will verify. The ZHA failures started occurring after HA 23.10.x upgrade.