HiHome WPP-16T


I would like to buy a HiHome WPP-16T to switch devices and measure the usage. They are priced very nicely.
But i’m wondering : Will i be able to see the power usage in HA?

It’s this one : https://www.coolblue.nl/product/825231/hihome-wpp-16t.html

I made this some time ago and it worked for me.

Did you find out how to flash tasmota on this device ?
I have the HiHome WPP-16S1 smart plug. There are no obvious pads to solder TX/RX to and the plug is very difficult to open completely.

Here is a picture of the board.

I’we been unable to remove the PCB yet. I think i need to desolder a few things before i can do that.

This should be the chip, the ESP8266EX
Do i use UART0 or 1 ?

Any help would be appreciated

You can try Tiya convert then you do not need to solder.

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Thank you Gijs.
Worked like a charm with tuya :slight_smile:

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