Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

OK, that would be great! Looking forward to it!

Unfortunately, in a multi-button situation like mine, the only way to practically use the add-on is to know which apartment is being called.

yeah, i try to add it on next version, are you on discord?


I just created a discord account (same username as here). :slight_smile:

Hi, going todo it differently
Now, when “caller_info: True”, the attribites are also changed for the callstate sensor
since there is no call sensor, for indoor, going to create an extra button if you define “caller_info: True”

So you can build an automation => on outdoor “ringing” state, press the button on “indoor” station, to retrieve the “callerinfo” , … then you know if the indoor was rining or not …

would that be ok ?

edit: added in beta32
Seems when presssing the button on your indoor panel, gives an error when its not in ringing state :slight_smile:
So press it when its actually ringing

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Well, it should work!
On the other hand, I’m thinking that in practice I will have to press the button on all indoor panels anyway, to see which one is ringing (or giving an error) so that I can trigger the automations I want (I have setup a home assistant view for each apartment owner).
So, probably it would be more practical that the add-on polls all indoor stations when an outdoor is ringing and update an attribute in the outdoor station. For extra flexibility, you could poll only the indoor stations where caller_info: True, in case someone wants to add an indoor station but doesn’t care about its ring status.
I don’t see a way to totally get rid of polling in this specific use case.

Yeah , maybe I add that feature later, can you already test now by pressing the button manually, to see if you actually see the ringing state in indoor?

Hi, sorry I’m a newbie. I have the DS-KV6113.

Are you able to do the following via HA dashboard?

  • answer the ringing doorbell
  • view the camera at any time
  • have a 2-way communication
  • unlock the door strike connected to the doorbell
  • check the door lock status

yes, all is possible

  • answer the ringing doorbell => with SIP or ISAPI two way audio (Frigate HASS card)
  • view the camera at any time => with RTSP camera integration
  • have a 2-way communication => with ISAPI Two way Audio (Frigate HASS card)
  • unlock the door strike connected to the doorbell => with my beta addon
  • check the door lock status => with my beta addon

Awesome work with this addon.
Is there a plan to support more features of indoor units? I have an indoor unit DS-KH6350-WTE1 which has two additional relays. I would like to control those two relays over HA.
I tried the outdoor unit ISAPI command on the indoor unit and it doesn’t work. Anything else I could try? Even the cloud based hik addon doesn’t support this.

Hi, thnx for feedback
Indeed, you cant send ISAPI commands to indoor stations, because port 80 is closed on them
However, with my SDK , i can send ISAPI commands, by port 8000
But i was never able to trigger those relays on indoor stations, i tried several a long time ago…

What commands have you found? I can try them with my SDK, and if it works, i will add it to the next addon update
Would be indeed an improvement if it works

Tnx. I didn’t look for any extra commands to control the indoor unit. I just tried the ISAPI method.
It does work fine with hikconnect app, but that’s not good enough :slight_smile:

It would be great to control those two extra relays. It’s like a free switch sitting inside, just need to figure out a way for HA to control it :smiley:

yeah, indeed, you are talking about the A01 and COM1 trigger?
WHat have you attached to it btw?

On my unit it’s actually called COM1 and COM2. I plan to attach to one relay some ambient light I use in the kitchen and on the second relay possibly some buzzer to notify the door opening.

BTW I have some issue with the beta release, must be something easy to fix. Will raise it now on github…

already responded :slight_smile:

ok, will have a look later for those com ports …


@pergola.fabio Thank you so much for the quick response!

I was away for 10 days so I could not update you!
regarding to the topic: Frigate to use two way audio with Hikvision doorbells

As you explained i went into the add-on Frigate and changed under “Configuration” → “Network” both lines with 1984 Port.
And then i tried to surf to my homeassistant-LANIP:1984 ( but nothing is loading up?

my question is how can i troubleshoot it :confused: or do you have any idea why the go2rtc does not loading the page ?

2023-08-24 09:19:19.902919543  [INFO] Got WebRTC port from supervisor: 1984
2023-08-24 09:19:20.274922958  [WARN] Using go2rtc binary from '/config/go2rtc' instead of the embedded one
2023-08-24 09:19:20.274930485  [INFO] Starting go2rtc...
2023-08-24 09:19:20.438117756  12:19:20.438 INF go2rtc version 1.6.2 linux/amd64
2023-08-24 09:19:20.438654224  12:19:20.438 INF [api] listen addr=
2023-08-24 09:19:20.439409405  12:19:20.439 INF [rtsp] listen addr=
2023-08-24 09:19:20.439811608  12:19:20.439 INF [webrtc] listen addr=
2023-08-24 09:19:20.440778139  12:19:20.440 INF [srtp] listen addr=
2023-08-24 09:19:21.636632248  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Starting Frigate (0.12.1-367d724)
2023-08-24 09:19:21.661791627  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Creating directory: /tmp/cache
2023-08-24 09:19:21.664739953  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : Starting migrations
2023-08-24 09:19:21.670152251  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] peewee_migrate                 INFO    : There is nothing to migrate
2023-08-24 09:19:21.691997092  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Output process started: 301
2023-08-24 09:19:21.694040751  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] detector.cpu                   INFO    : Starting detection process: 299
2023-08-24 09:19:21.694050419  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.detectors              WARNING : CPU detectors are not recommended and should only be used for testing or for trial purposes.
2023-08-24 09:19:21.699021252  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Camera processor started for salon: 303
2023-08-24 09:19:21.706428387  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Camera processor started for intercom: 305
2023-08-24 09:19:21.719196669  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Capture process started for salon: 307
2023-08-24 09:19:21.721087414  [2023-08-24 12:19:21] frigate.app                    INFO    : Capture process started for intercom: 309
2023-08-24 09:19:25.427636746 - - [24/Aug/2023:12:19:25 +0300] "GET /api/stats HTTP/1.1" 200 2338 "-" "HomeAssistant/2023.8.3 aiohttp/3.8.5 Python/3.11" "-"
2023-08-24 09:19:29.751710857  [INFO] Starting go2rtc healthcheck service...

So many thanks for your help To everyone !

well, the log file looks OK, not sure why you cant access it on http://IP:1984

it works for me as many others ? Maybe that port is in use by something else? DO you have perhaps the webrtc card also installed? it also uses 1984 , you need to remove it and also remove the integration, since it also uses go2rtc …

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@pergola.fabio Your prompt responses never cease to astonish me:)

Yes, I do have the RTSPtoWEBRTC on the integration (device & services) running as well as the add-ons RTSPtoWeb- WebRTC.

So you want me to remove them or to stop the service?
It improved my Generic camera speed as you know - I don’t need that anymore.?

yeah, you need to remove the webrtc integration and the addon
If you install Frigate, it will install also the go2rtc as embedded … you cant run them twice, they use same ports

When frigate runs, then you can install the webrtc card again, and just use the go2rtc addon that came wirth Frigate

but webrtc card, you dont need it anymore, just use the frigate hass card, its way better then the webrtc

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Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a video doorbell and thought about Hikvision, because they are not too expensive and there is a HA integration. Thanks a lot for this!!

After some research I figured out that I want a Secure Door Control Module(DS-K2M061) because I do not want to connect my door opener to an outdoor module. Can I trigger the relay of this module via the integration? I only found door 1 relay and door 2 relay. Has anyone a similar setup and can confirm that it works?

Do you already have the device? Can you see if there is port 8000 or 80 open on it?

Is it a network device?