Hikvision Doorbell / Videointercom integration

The last update isn’t working here. If I try to start, it crashes and I got the following error:

Can you try to enable debug and show me logs? Crate issue on github

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Yeah. Beta.

I restore to last version, the 3.0.0-beta.39 and everything is ok. How can I enable debug?

Like this:

log_level: DEBUG
sdk_log_level: DEBUG

in your addon condif

Can you create issue on GitHub? And paste log there

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Yep. I’ll do that

Can you try beta 43?

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Yep! I’ll try

It’s working now.

can you show me the debug log again?

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i have installed hikvision-doorbell:3.0.5-amd64 in docker on a synolgy ds218+ and did the config as in the picture.
I want to use it as standalone with the MQTT Broker on my iObroker. My doorbell is DS-KV8113.

But it doesn’t work. Here is something from the logfile:

can someone help?

Can you show me the config with the env?



PATH						/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
LANG						C.UTF-8
GPG_KEY						A035C8C19219BA821ECEA86B64E628F8D684696D
PYTHON_GET_PIP_URL			https://github.com/pypa/get-pip/raw/66030fa03382b4914d4c4d0896961a0bdeeeb274/public/get-pip.py
PYTHON_GET_PIP_SHA256		1e501cf004eac1b7eb1f97266d28f995ae835d30250bec7f8850562703067dc6
LD_LIBRARY_PATH				/app/lib-amd64

DOORBELLS					[{"name": "OUTDOOR STATION", "ip": "", "port":8000,"username": "admin", "password": "******"}]
MQTT_PORT					1885

you only typed 1 underscrore , it must be 2 :slight_smile:
check here for inscuctions…

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oh :smiley:
so i try it now. At my first try i had problems because i switch all underscore to 2, but than i see that the first underscore is 2 and the second 1 :smiley:

i try to change the port but it doesent work… is it not possible? Always default 1883?

indeed, its fixed for 1883 for now, i need this fix be implemented first:

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I have a “standalone” outdoor station (KD8003) integrated with Asterisk server using SIP protocol.
I’m curious if I could resign from SIP and start using other methods described in this thread?.. or maybe I have to stay with SIP as the others require configuration with indoor station to work properly?

3.0.8 added with mqtt port option for standalone containers!

Due to structural constraints I installed a 2-wire unit composed of three elements:

  • 2-wire controller, not sure about model, likely DS-KAD706-P, supplies power and links the other devices together into an internal network
  • External unit DS-KD8003-IME2
  • Internal monitor DS-KH6320

only the controller has a network port but it’s not linked to my network at the moment, the internal monitor has wifi and is on my network, that’s the one I’m trying to access, but I don’t know if I’m doing it right or if I’m supposed to have the controller as a target, if any of these are even supported

I can access the internal monitor through the iVMS-4200 desktop application, I have a working admin password that allows me to change the settings from within the application

This is what I get in the logs if I try to connect through the HA Addon with the same user and password:

2023-09-29 16:16:41.810 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:31 - Importing Hikvision SDK
2023-09-29 16:16:41.817 | INFO     | sdk.utils:loadSDK:44 - Using OS: Linux with architecture: aarch64
2023-09-29 16:16:41.818 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:loadSDK:57 - Loading library from lib-aarch64/libhcnetsdk.so
hpr tls index{3}

2023-09-29 16:16:41.850 | DEBUG    | __main__:main:35 - Hikvision SDK loaded
2023-09-29 16:16:41.851 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:setupSDK:86 - Initializing SDK
loop[2] find 2 mac and 0 ip
[2023-09-29 16:16:41.880][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1.2.11], hHandleRet[-1537182144]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.880][INF] The COM:HCCoreBase ver is, 2020_03_05. Async:1.

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.880][INF] The COM:Core ver is, 2021_12_10. Async:1.

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.880][INF] This HCNetSDK ver is Ver 2021_12_10.

2023-09-29 16:16:41.881 | DEBUG    | sdk.utils:setupSDK:100 - SDK initialized
2023-09-29 16:16:41.881 | DEBUG    | doorbell:__init__:46 - Setting up doorbell: door
2023-09-29 16:16:41.882 | DEBUG    | doorbell:authenticate:53 - Logging into doorbell
[2023-09-29 16:16:41.883][INF] Login dev

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.883][INF] dwTotalNum[2048]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.885][INF] Private connect sock=7 this=0xa49b86b4 cmd=0x10000 port=58942

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.885][INF] LogonDev1 in[]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.886][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/app/lib-aarch64/libcrypto.so], hHandleRet[-1532943888]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][DBG] CCoreGlobalCtrlBase::LoadDSo, HPR_LoadDSo Succ, Path[/app/lib-aarch64/libssl.so], hHandleRet[-1532942624]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::LoadAPI, libeay, Load Real Path[/app/lib-aarch64/libcrypto.so]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::IsAllAPILoaded, SSL_library_init Unload

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][INF] OpenSSL, Not All Function Loaded!

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][INF] SSLTRANSAPI::PrintVersion, OpenSSL version info [OpenSSL 1.1.1i  8 Dec 2020]

[2023-09-29 16:16:41.888][INF] CSSLTrans::SSLCtxInit, dwSSLVersion[6], m_fnTLSServerMethod

[2023-09-29 16:16:42.746][ERR] []PRO_LoginHikDevice fail[err=154].[0x-0000001,0x-0000001]

[2023-09-29 16:16:42.747][ERR] CMemberMgrBase::AllocIndex2, MemberStart Failed, iIndex[0]

2023-09-29 16:16:42.748 | ERROR    | __main__:<module>:101 - Error while logging into door: The user index is Invalid. Error code:154
[2023-09-29 16:16:42.780][INF] COM_Logout[-1][1]

Any idea what to do, if it’s possible to integrate with this model at all?

Error 154 means : invalid user id… what username are you using for your indoor station? The default is “admin” ?

That’s interesting, I JUST tried to change the name to something else like “root” and had an error about invalid username, I changed to “admin” again… and now it works

I have no idea why it didn’t before, maybe I had admin capitalized or there was some whitespace, now I have all the entities in HA, so I’m going to play around with it and see if it’s actually working

I have all these entities:

I need to figure out how to get a notification when the doorbell rings now…

but it doesn’t appear I have a notification event or anything, would that mean I’d have to connect to the external unit too?