Hikvision intercom

I was able on my DS-KH8350-WTE1 indoor station, I just set the Back To The Future theme ringtone :smile:

yes, on the indoor , thats possibe

buw how on HikConnect? its quite annoying when someone presses the doorbell, its constanly ringing
i want just notification, like a knock knock sound , more then enough :slight_smile:

There is a settings in HikConnect app to select the ringtone to use across the application, have you tried it?

thats only for alarms; not for actually doorbell press

Can’t find what you’re looking for. I see there’s a setting to disable all calls at all, but I gess it’s not what you need. I think if you have multiple devices ringing, once you have answered on one, all others should stop ringing. Are you using the latest version of the app?

yeah, they stop ringing if someone answers the call … thats not the issue
but lets say , if we pick up after 30 secs, all andoids are constantly ringing that annoying ringtone

i just want a small notification ringtone; a short sound :slight_smile: , some sound i can choose myself

I got the point now. No, I dont think you can have it.

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I didn’t understand how to use it in HA
Can you please write the exact code for a button that can open the door using Hik-Connect?

You can use them.as shell commands, verry easy

Please write the exact code that I just have to copy and paste it to my automations or configuration file

Can’t understand how to use it

Lots of examples, depends how you want to use it?

For example from a script:

Is any news for integration Video Intercom 1 generation like model DS-KV8102-IM ?

Look here, there is a php file also to open door, for systems not available with ISAPI

But i try it and get it:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to 192.168.xx.xx port 80: Connection refused

Probably not supported on older, try the php file, it’s based on cloud instead of local

Can you explaine me more how use it and where is this file php ? I dont see it.

It’s in last posts of that other thread

But how i can use it ?

Can’t help with that, i didn’t create it or didn’t test it

You need to use fiddler first to track the header info from hikconnect on your mobile phone

hmmm i dont know how…
I also has SD for VideoINTECOM from HikVision. Maybe any good developer find for us any solution:

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