Hikvision intercom

I have the Hikvision intercom system at the gate of my yard.
I want to connect the gate open to the HA just to open the gate from my system
the intercom set is DS-KV8102VP and DS-KH6310-W
does anyone know how can I control the open gate from my HA through the Hikvision?

I’ve got the same. Did you ever get it working?

Im looking to buy one of these also, would be awesome to hear of a way to hook it up to HA

I’ve spent a great deal of time tinkering but so far got absolutely nowhere. Tried several different scripts but I can’t find anything that properly polls all my hikvision cams. MotionEye worked to a degree but very resource hungry with HA on a wee little Pi. May get another Pi to devote to MotionEye

I can help you with that… I’m not quite finished with the project, but current status is:

and if you click on the name you get live picture…

Code for lovelace:

  - entity: camera.hv_vrata
  - entity: camera.hv_zunaj
show_header_toggle: false
title: HIKVision
type: entities

To make sensor use this code:

   - platform: ffmpeg
     name: HV Zunaj
     input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@INTERCOMEIP:554/Streaming/Channels/101

   - platform: ffmpeg
     name: HV Vrata
     input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@INTERCOMEIP:554/Streaming/Channels/101

For username and password use the same as for login in HIKVision iVMS-4200 3.1.1 Client software.

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Can you do more then just the cameras?

Were you able to control the relay?

i did a wireshark , and seems its using XML by SIP
if we can resimulate this, i think we can open door from HA

see example :

i have found the ISAPI command to open a door on a DS-KD8003 , so it can be implemented now in HA, pm if interested

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Hi, ca you put some info here ?
Thank you

Here is is:

> curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d '<RemoteControlDoor><cmd>open</cmd></RemoteControlDoor>' http://192.168.0.xx/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1


Have you tried to wireshark what the registration from the app/cloud does and what it sends for doorbell press? Maybe we can spoof it?

yes, i did, was all based on TCP, allthough i didnt see any open door command
wireshark between indoor outdoor opening was based on SIP/XML

but doesnt mather, i can now control the door with a local command , works perfect

next step is to capture an doorpress event or a swipe/key enter event
or maybe the event when door actually opens , then we can build automations on that

but i dont think we can manage it with ISAPI


ok, next one

can anyone try this ISAPI url?

it should give a call status like idle, ringing , …

but mine stays on idle always, regardless if i pressing the doorbutton

"status": "idle"

it this works, its verry easy to capture a doorpess event by making a rest sensor in HA

Thank you, working for my.

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d ‘open’ http://192.168.0.xx/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1

I try ISAPI url:

but i have the same idle problem.

Good to hear , what doorbell do you have?

No idea why it stays on idle, should work :frowning:

My doorbell model is DS-KV8113-WME1

Ok, that one was indeed confirmed working :slight_smile:

Anyone figured out how to change the ringtone with hikconnect?all Androifs are continuing ringing here on a doorpress event, for me it’s enough to have a knock knock sound