Hikvision lag and sensors

Going nuts here, have read everything i can find but still does not work.

4 hikvision cameras on hikvision nvr (DS-7616NI-K2 / 16P)
Have created 2 lines crossings and 1 sensor.

Have two questions

  1. All 4 cameras work ok in HA but compared to HIK remote or HIK app there is a lag of about 30 seconds. Sometimes they hang while the app and hik web do not. How can that be?

  2. Can not get any sensors to work.
    Have added HA ip as Alarm Host
    Have added security center notification
    Web verifications set to basic/digest

At first I added both below to configuration.yaml and then one switch showed up in HA (this switch will only remain in off, it if try to turn it on, it will still show off)
I tried to delete the switch in yaml but it still shows under entities.
I have not been able to get any of the binary sensors to show at all.

a. How do i delete that switch entity (it is no longer on configuation.yaml and have restarted)
b. Any idea how to get the sensors to show?

Do I need to add anything after the IP (like for steaming?)


  • platform: hikvisioncam
    username: user
    password: pass


  • platform: hikvision
    port: 80
    ssl: false
    username: user
    password: pass

Sorry, know there have been a few similar requests. Have tried to follow them all :frowning: