Hikvision Onvif error

I have a hikvision integrated through onvif and it was working excellently until now. I receive this error below. Can anyone assist me, please

Error setting up ONVIF device: An error was discovered processing the wsse:Security header. (code:soap:Sender) (subcodes:{http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd}InvalidSecurity). Check logs for more information.

Same here! Haven’t found a fix yet though. The only change I made was to get a new router which gave my HKVISION box a different IP address.

Thanks for the help. Will try that.

Hi , I have the same problem. It stopped working with my HIKVISION DS-7108HQHI-K1 few versions ago.

same here, after the firmware update

Anyone ever figure this out?

Mine was working fine until the last week then it died.

I had this problem and was due to not having an account created in Configuration → Network (on sidebar) → Advanced settings → ‘enable onvif’ (wait for reboot) → ‘add’ (within User List)

you should then be able to use this new user in the onvif intergration

I had the same issue and for me it turned out the password I had set wass too long :wink: or to be more precise: I generated a 20 char password, but the Annke (Annke is just a rebranded Hikvision) NVR (ANP800 (N88PCH)) only allows up to 16 chars. So when I pasted it, it cut off four letters but I pasted the full 20 letter password into HA :wink: Took me a bit to figure that out.

Hope it helps!