I’ve tried to add the live feed from 4 Hikvision IP cameras to my dashboard using the Picture Entity card using the following code
type: picture-entity
entity: camera.front_1
camera_image: camera.front_1
show_state: false
aspect_ratio: 45%
camera_view: live
When I view through the browser I just get black cards with no video being displayed but if I open the app on my iPhone I see the video perfectly. If I change the camera view on the card from live to auto I do see the picture in the browser but this refreshrs every 10 seconds and not be a live feed.
Here is the config in the configuration.yaml file
- platform: generic
name: Front 1
username: admin
password: PASSWORD
authentication: digest
stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554
- platform: generic
name: Front 2
username: admin
password: PASSWORD
authentication: digest
stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554
- platform: generic
name: Back 1
username: admin
password: PASSWORD
authentication: digest
stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554
- platform: generic
name: Back 2
username: admin
password: PASSWORD
authentication: digest
stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554
I’m using Home Assistant OS 2021.2.0 on a RPi 4