Hildebrandglow_dcc error on last HA update (core 2024.12.3)

This HACS integration now won’t start with the following error:-

ImportError: cannot import name 'BrightClient' from 'glowmarkt' (/usr/local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/glowmarkt/__init__.py)

The path /usr/local doesn’t seem to exist at all on when I look via terminal/ssh.

Any thoughts ?

Just bumping this. I can’t be the only one using this ?
Even if the energy monitoring was a bit flakey, it was super useful to get my energy tarrifs.

Hello Ro,

Did you ask on their github (where you got the software?)

Also HACS is s custom integration that provides github software that others have written with an easy download method, and provides notification when the original author has an update. These are all owned by the individual repo owners, HACS hust lets you see them easier. There are no

Strangely, updating to 2024.12.4 has fixed it. I’ve not read the patch notes yet…