Hiow to add rfxcom integration

i just bought rfxcom and tries to install that. however, the integrationhttps://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rfxtrx/ is not available when i search the list in hass.io to add an integration.

so how should i force install this?

Which home assistant version are you running?


I meant core version. Latest is 0.117.1. Check this in Configuration --> Info

Home Assistant 0.117.1

System Health

arch armv7l
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.13
hassio true
host_os Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
installation_type Home Assistant Supervised
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.51-v7l+
python_version 3.8.6
supervisor 2020.10.0
timezone Europe/Amsterdam
version 0.117.1
virtualenv false


dashboards 1
mode storage
resources 0
views 5

What are those strange characters you are searching on?

a typo. i was actually just searching for rfx

In your screenshot its showing some strange characters after rfx?

What if you dont use filter and scroll down to find it?

Maybe a cache issue as it works for me. Ctrl-f5

it wasn’t listed there.

this helped. at least (after a restart of the server) it’s now installed.