Hisense TV Control

@yusufptl can you try to force reload the integration page? I had a similar behavior once and it looked like the list of available integrations was cached.

Awesome work on the integration. Worked really well for me.

Maybe suggestion to put some format validation for the MAC address field. Didn’t know if should be : or -

I tried this now and still does not show up.

I will delete the custom component and reinstall and see if that helps


Hi, i tried but when i fire up the integration it runs forever without any pop-up on tv for the pin.
The broker seems configured fine, if i try to listen the topic /remoteapp/# i see the states

Do you use the correct MQTT prefix from your bridge config? Where do you listen to /remoteapp/#? On the broker used in HA or on the TV?

I used the standard prefix from your example config:

topic /remoteapp/# both 0 hisense ""

on my local broker (Mosquitto HA add-on).

With my bridge setup you should see the messages in the local broker under hisense/remoteapp/# and not /remoteapp/#. See also this bridge documentation.

If it still shows up as /remoteapp/# you could try to leave the MQTT prefixes empty during the setup process.

After update the firmware of my H55O8B it started working!

Super job, @sehaas!
(As you could see above) I had a go at this early in the thread, but never really succeeded past being able to connect via MQTT Explorer… I don’t think I ever got the bridge working properly.
Tonight, I’ve worked through all the various settings and versions of instructions, and I finally have it working :slight_smile:
I think the final piece was the bridge_insecure false part, which I had set as true based on other versions earlier in the thread.
I have a 65R7 with the (current) K0901 firmware connected via Ethernet.

@sehaas, can I suggest you update your GitHub documentation to explain how/where to get the cert/pem/key files?
I followed https://github.com/tiagofreire-pt/Home_Assistant_Hisense_TV (thanks @ReDaLeRt!) and created my own hisense.crt file by copying the certs from the TV using the openssl command. (I’m using Docker so the file is in my mapped config folder.)
So, here is my working bridge configuration in case it helps anyone:

connection hisensetv
username hisenseservice
password multimqttservice
clientid HomeAssistant
try_private false
start_type automatic
topic /remoteapp/# both 0 hisense ""
bridge_insecure true
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2
bridge_cafile /mosquitto/config/hisense.crt

Now to use this in some automations :slight_smile:

@lindsayward, thanks for the feedback.

There is a difference in your and my config: My TV requires a client certificate which you can’t generate yourself. You can extract it from an Android app or find it online, though.

bridge_certfile hisense_client.pem
bridge_keyfile hisense_client.key

I didn’t include credentials or the client certificate in my repository on purpose to avoid possible legal trouble :man_shrugging:

The hisense.crt (or hisense_ca.pem in my example) is just the bridge certificate, so your broker will accept the connection.

Thanks for the reply. I didn’t mean you should publish any private or legally-questionable content, but maybe a few pointers for newbies to get started with the various credentials that might be required.

Now, this is working beautifully… until it seems my bridge disconnects. My docker mosquitto logs look like:

mosquitto        | 1618115825: Connecting bridge hisensetv (
mosquitto        | 1618115916: Connecting bridge hisensetv (
mosquitto        | 1618115995: Connecting bridge hisensetv (
mosquitto        | 1618116086: Connecting bridge hisensetv (
mosquitto        | 1618116173: Connecting bridge hisensetv (

It doesn’t explicitly say it disconnects, but it looks like it does, and I don’t get any more messages.
Restarting the mosquitto container and then pressing a remote button (e.g. changing the volume) tells HA the TV is on again, but it’s clearly not manageable like this.

Has anyone else had issues with the bridge disconnecting, and maybe found a way to solve this?
I found this GitHub issue for eclipse-mosquitto that might be the same problem. (No solution there.)
Thanks in advance!

hello, can you explain to me how the mqtt bridge on mqtt broker?

connection hisense
address <TV_IP_ADDRESS>:36669
clientid HomeAssistant
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2
bridge_cafile hisense_ca.pem
bridge_certfile hisense_client.pem
bridge_keyfile hisense_client.key
bridge_insecure true
start_type automatic
try_private true
topic /remoteapp/# both 0 <MQTT_PREFIX> “”

where should the bridge configuration be copied? can you tell me
also where did you copy the certificates?

follow here

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Hello I am trying to create a node Call Service in node red, I have not understood how to create the json code to be able to set the tv in the TV source, the volume to 10 and set the channel number 5.
how should the json code be?

Have you had a look at the github link in the first post? It has examples on how to write the json:

e.g to change to TV as a source you can do it by publishing to:


with json payload:

  "sourceid" : "0",
  "sourcename" : "TV"

hello I tryed as below but not working:


May I request some help to set this up ?
I followed the somewhat very minimal instructions on github, but it spins forever (when adding the integration) and the TV never displays any pairing code…
running a 55U7QF

hisense.conf lloks like this

connection hisensetv
username hisenseservice
password  multimqttservice
clientid HomeAssistant
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2
bridge_cafile /ssl/hisense.crt
bridge_certfile /ssl/hisense_client.pem
bridge_keyfile /ssl/hisense_client.key
bridge_insecure true
start_type automatic
try_private true
topic /remoteapp/# both 0 hisense ""

got the .pem and .key files from here :

Any help would be greatly appreciated

@sehaas or @lindsayward ? any help ?

Does the topic match the configured prefix in the integration?