Historical graphs similar to Domoticz

One of the nice features of Domoticz is that for every (numerical) sensor it provides standard graphs with week (or day), month, and year views.

I’m pretty sure HomeAssistant can do this as well, but I have been unable to find out how. I played with some custom graphs but none of them is like the Domoticz graphs.

Suggestions welcome.

Pipe your data to influxdb and use grafana to visualize. You can do all fancy stuff with grafana.

Thanks for the suggestion. So if I understand correctly, HA does not have something similar built-in or available in the form of a custom card.

Piping data to influxdb, is that fundamentally different from recording? I’m already running a recorder to an external PostgreSQL database to prevent wearing out the SDcard.

Grafana looks impressive but will require a lot of time to learn.