History accessible to OpenAI for smart insights

Hi there,

Really enjoying the OpenAI chat function recently added.

I would love to be able to ask the chat assist questions like “based on last weeks entity data, what helps me reduce temperature in my home”, with an example response “when you open [this] door when in [this] room, [this] window in [this] room, and when the weather conditions are [this] and the inside temperature is [this], your [zone] temperature decreases by [this]… and so on.

I want to be able to interrogate my home data to get actionable insights that enabled me to refine my automations and setup, to continually help me optimise my home.

It would act as a smart home analyst/advisor.

I love HA since getting really into it. I also love data, by way of feedback loops. And it inspires me to do more things with Home Assistant. I would love a way to make the data more usable.

Thanks everyone :saluting_face:

Hey @marsh1, good point!
I’m voting for this although I expect there are already efforts on the way to ensure the data can be sent.
I’m no expert, one of the limiting factors I see with GPT is the amount of data you need to feed it (which is translated to tokens). GPT has a limit that won’t be sufficient to send the data ‘on the fly’. Google Bard (or however they call it this week) has a much higher limit.

One of the optons can be to run a local LLM that you can ask comparable questions. A FR has been posted about this: Integration with LocalAI

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Thanks! That’s a really good point. It would be quite a lot of data to review. Maybe there’s another option, where the insights are generated locally? I think of apps like my sleep app, it looks at my health history and gives me a feedback loop based on certain biomarkers. But that is a limited set of data, understandably. I imagine the race is on, with the likes of Apple recently announcing its own AI that works on device, whilst outsourcing certain tasks. I just think that an Home Assistant A.I. insights assistant would give that two-way relationship with our system. Especially if it involves voice as well! In fact, you don’t need to call it anything other than ‘Home Assistant’, because its already in the name! :sunglasses: