History dashboard showing long-term statistics (not working for some of my sensors)

Hi there,

the above feature was introduced with 2023.12 and I am still trying to figure out why it’s not working as expected for some of my template sensors calculating EUR.

The template sensors that do show long-term statistics in the history dashboard are the the ones with

      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: energy
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"


      state_class: measurement
      device_class: power
      unit_of_measurement: "W"

But the ones with

      state_class: total
      unit_of_measurement: "EUR"

do not show long-term statistics in the history dashboard, these are purged with the purge_keep_days: I’ve configured in my recorder.yaml. Here’s a full example of a template sensor that does not show long-term stats:

- trigger:
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: 54
    - name: "Stromkosten Verbrauch Haus Jährlich"
      unique_id: stromkosten_haus_verbrauch_yearly
      state_class: total
      unit_of_measurement: "EUR"
      icon: mdi:currency-eur
      state: "{{ (states('sensor.verbrauch_haus_jahrlich' ) | float * states('input_number.strompreis_pro_kwh' ) | float ) | round(2) }}"

I’ve had a look at Developer Tools → Statistics for those template sensors that do not show long-term statistics in the history dashboard and I can see that stats are collected. I can also create a statistics card and see long-term statistics for these sensors.

If I interpreted the long-term stats documentation correctly all it takes is a state_class: but that does not appear to be working for above - what am I missing?


I’m having the same issue. Not working for a climate entity and helper, but working for an esphome sensor and template sensor