I started using home assistant a few weeks ago and now I only see loggings from 04:00AM this night. What could be the cause?
I started using home assistant a few weeks ago and now I only see loggings from 04:00AM this night. What could be the cause?
Are you looking at Settings | System | Logs? That gets cleared by a restart. Power cut? Update?
If you click on the three dots menu top right and select Show full logs earlier logs should be there.
logs of my sensors from electricity, gas and water
So we’re talking about history for those sensors, when you click on their dashboard card?
That will only show 24 hours - to get more you have to go to the History dashboard, where you can set the period you want.
That I know, I made plotly charts for these sensors, but now the data is gone. When I look them up in entities I also don’t see the data from when I connected the sensor to home assistant.
What do you mean by “plotly charts”? Are these stock history-graph cards? Can you see graphs on these cards?
Plotly-graph : a type op graph and it is not empty
I see no data/loggings before 08 DEC 04:00AM