History graph card mixing bars and graphs

I’ve got a Lovelace history graph card for watching temperature and relative humidity delivered by 3 identical Zooz Z-Wave 4-in-1 sensors. The card code is

  - entity: sensor.bathroom_temperature
  - entity: sensor.bathroom_relative_humidity
  - entity: sensor.kitchen_temperature
  - entity: sensor.kitchen_relative_humidity
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_temperature
  - entity: sensor.bedroom_relative_humidity
hours_to_show: 1
refresh_interval: 0
type: history-graph

That should group the temperature and humidity sensors into graphs, right?

But instead it groups two sensors into graphs, and puts the third sensor into bars… very weird.

any ideas?

Graphs are grouped by unit of measurement. If you have recently changed them they may take a little time to settle down and no longer be shown as bar graphs.

Also could be that bedroom sensors are returning text rather than number values. Therefore are shown as bars, not charts.

Yes particularly if the unit is part of the state. What does this return in the developer tools template editor:

{{ states('sensor.bedroom_temperature') }}

I have been working on adding this to mini-graph-card.
Here is the PR see if this is what you are looking for

Adding unit worked for me

this line: unit_of_measurement: “°C”

in this:

 friendly_name: Thermostat Temperature
 unit_of_measurement: "°C"
 value_template: >-
  {{ state_attr('climate.mini','current_temperature')}}