History Graph Card not showing entities in specified order

i have this lovelace UI configuration (snippet):


  • icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
    title: Termostati
    id: thermostats
    theme: dark-mode


    • type: history-graph
      title: Interna - Storico (12h)
      hours_to_show: 12
      refresh_interval: 60
      show_header_toggle: false
      ####### switch graph
      • entity: switch.sonoff_th10_livingroom_switch
        name: S
      • entity: switch.sonoff_th10_bedroom_switch
        name: C
      • entity: switch.sonoff_th10_bathroom_switch
        name: B
        ####### temperature graph
      • entity: sensor.sensore_temp_soggiorno
        name: Soggiorno (S)
      • entity: sensor.sensore_temp_camera
        name: Camera ©
      • entity: sensor.sensore_temp_bagno
        name: Bagno (B)
        ####### humidity graph
      • entity: sensor.sensore_umidita_soggiorno
        name: Soggiorno (S)
      • entity: sensor.sensore_umidita_camera
        name: Camera ©
      • entity: sensor.sensore_umidita_bagno
        name: Bagno (B)

the result is that the graphs are displayed in the same card in this order:

  1. switch graph
  2. humidity graph
  3. temperature graph

I would like that they are displayed in the order specified (just as the behaviour of entities card)
Is this a bug or how can achieve the expected result?

Thank you

I just created a new History Graph card for each item. You can definitely control the order of the History Graphs.

Did you find answer to this question? It seems that the order of entities remains unspecified (and changes between restarts of HA). Is there some workaround available (creating separate card for each entity is not a solution).

For anyone who like me is looking for the answer: this is bug in Lovelace. The corresponding issue has been created some time ago: https://github.com/home-assistant/ui-schema/issues/213