History graph card shows both temp units?

I’ve got some mqtt temp sensors. They have unit of measurement defined. Lovelace has a history-graph card with the sensor. No matter what I define the unit of measurement as, the Lovelace card shows both F and C temps so two graphs for one sensor.

Where am I going wrong?

Config yaml has my unit system as imperial.
I’ve tried on the sensor: unit_of_measurement: ‘F’ ‘C’ ‘Celsius’ ‘°F’ ‘°C’

The mqtt message from the sensors does contain the metric temp, but I can’t figure out why the history graph card shows both!

This has been an issue for quite a while. I don’t know if anyone has ever opened an issue about this. I found the same thing. But after a while, magically the graph shows only the configured unit of measurement. (When I was first starting with HA I would from time to time delete my database, and this would happen when I started HA again, but after a while – maybe the database purge period – the graphs would become correct.)

Interesting, among other shots in the dark I deleted the database and now it looks exactly as intended!