Issue: I have a temperature reading coming in through MQTT and being displayed on history graph cards.
Every so often the cards will act like there is no data coming in from MQTT (It will just show a straight horizontal line). I am not sure what fixes it, but when this happens I check logs (mqtt has debug logging enabled), check devices, and check the card settings and suddenly it starts showing new data from then on until it breaks again.
I have MQTT explorer running which shows that data never stopped coming in and if I create a new history graph card with a different time period than what I already have on the dashboard, that new card will show all of the data, including what the other card(s) show as missing.
I am not seeing any MQTT debug logs during this period.
Home Assistant 2022.8.1
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.4
Frontend 20220802.0 - latest