History_graph not working since 0.86 / lovelace update

Hi guys,

I’d been enjoying a temperature history graph since really getting into HA over the past few weeks but after an upgrade to 0.86.3 and/or the lovelace UI, the history graph just appears like this:


It’s weird because if i remove the history graph from the UI and attempt to re-add it, it looks like this:

But as soon as I save the layout and refresh the page, it goes back to Unknown.

This is the code I’m using for sensors (plus the Nest one):

  - platform: scrape
    name: Outside
    select: ".main .card td:nth-of-type(2)"
    value_template: '{{ value.split("°")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: °C
  - platform: scrape
    name: Study
    select: ".main .card tr:nth-of-type(10) td:nth-of-type(2)"  
    value_template: '{{ value.split("°")[0] }}'
    unit_of_measurement: °C

    name: Temp History
      - sensor.outside
      - sensor.nest_thermostat_home_temperature
      - sensor.study

From the dev page - the data looks good:

So I’m not sure what to do! If i click on the little “up arrow” next to the history_graph from the dev page, it shows me the graph. I’ve tried deleting the .db file in case there was some corruption and also tried sticking device_class: temperature under the study / outside sensors to match the Nest one but it doesn’t show up in the dev page.


Don’t use history_graph as the the entities in the history_graph card. Use your actual sensors. e.g.

type: history-graph
  - sensor.outside
  - sensor.nest_thermostat_home_temperature
  - sensor.study

UGH! :blush: thanks @tom_l

Can you please show your config.yaml for the sensors? Also, perhaps your ui-lovelace for the history graph?

For some reason, I’m getting 2 graphs! I very much would like my two temperatures as well as the outside temp on one graph.

I’m fighting the “loft sensor” which is transmitted over MQTT as a string but, I may have that corrected.,

One of your sensors uses F as units the other uses °F. That’s why you have two graphs. make th units the same and they will both plot on the one graph.

damn it @tom_l! i could’ve actually answered that one!! :joy:

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I’m a bit confused as to how to do this.

In my config.yaml, I have 2 DHT sensors providing temperature. The “loft” sensor is sending information using ESP8266 / MQTT as a string. The “main level” is a DHT plugged directly into the RPi. I’ve played with the value template without success.

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Loft_Temperature”
    state_topic: “Loft_Temperature”
    unit_of_measurement: “°F”

value_template: ‘{{ float(value_json.Loft_Temperature) }}’

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Loft_Humidity”
    state_topic: “Loft_Humidity”

value_template: ‘{{ float(value_json.Loft_Humidity) }}’

  • platform: dht
    name: “Main Level”
    sensor: DHT22
    pin: 11
    temperature_offset: 1.58
    humidity_offset: 3.4
    • temperature
    • humidity

Here is my ui-lovelace.yaml:

 - type: history-graph
   title: 'Temperature'
     - sensor.loft_temperature
     - sensor.main_level_temperature
   unit_of_mesure: '°F'

i think the unit of measurement needs to be in your sensors.

what do the sensors say in your dev page?

Both showing °F - though I warn that my loft sensor is a DIY project & I’ve defined the units in the config.yaml.

The main level DHT sensor was achieved in this way: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.dht/

spelling mistake

Indeed- I tried both the correct spelling of measure as well as unit_of_measurement: “°F” in ui-lovelaace.yaml.

I should note- I added a second graph for humidity which appears to work:

it definitely has something to do with your units like @tom_l mentioned. The top one is °F whereas the bottom one is just F

Another option is to try mini-graph-card :slight_smile:


You won’t believe me… but I came back to this 24 hours later and the history graph is behaving. Can’t explain that.

i wonder if it had old data with the F only unit which has now expired (graphs are 24 hours by default?)

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