History not shown

History is not shown on my frontend if i configure recorder in this way:

#  include:
#    domains:
#      - sensor
#      - binary_sensor
#      - switch
#      - climate
#      - light
#    entities:
#      - sun.sun
#      - group.all_automations
#      - automation
      - weblink
      - updater
      - binary_sensor.iss
      - binary_sensor.sun_up
      - sensor.ha_last_reboot
      - sensor.ha_uptime
      - sensor.installed_ha_version
      - sensor.memory_use_percent
      - sensor.processor_use
      - sensor.solar_angle
      - sensor.ssl_cert_expiration
      - zone.home
      - zone.vino_di_sup
      - zone.circolo
      - group.default_view
      - group.all_devices
      - group.gearbest
      - group.all_switches
      - input_boolean.radio_play
      - input_number.radio_volume
      - input_select.radio_speakers
      - input_select.radio_station
#  purge_keep_days: 7

But if i delete all “exclude” and “include” voices in the configuration.yaml the history is shown normally. Is this a known bug or am i wrong in something?