History panel not recording after updating to 0.43.2

- alias: Turn off Kitchen Light After 15 mns
      platform: state
      entity_id: group.kitchen
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
        hours: 0
        minutes: 15
        seconds: 0
      service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: group.kitchen

Please post in the other thread so we can keep the information together. This is off topic in this thread.

appreciate that you took the time to look into that for me. Below is an example of one of the automation script that kept on turning off.

- alias: Turn off Kitchen Light After 15 mns
      platform: state
      entity_id: group.kitchen
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
        hours: 0
        minutes: 15
        seconds: 0
      service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: group.kitchen

Please feel to correct any mistake

Well, I don’t see anything wrong with the syntax or anything but keep in mind that when you use a group for a state trigger, ANY device that is in that group that changes state will make the group change state as well.

For example, in this case it looks like anytime your group changes from off to on, it will turn off the group in 15 minutes. But is that really what you want to trigger off of? What else is in that group? Maybe it’s creating a circular reference. Kind of hard for me to tell here.

Maybe try troubleshooting by changing the entity to a single entity that is easy to track and see if anything is discovered.

Yes, that is understandable; but I don’t think that should also turn off the rule. I’m going to keep digging into it.

On that group I only have two set of three way switches for 2 pairs of light in the same location.

Could this be the issue? Wouldn’t at least one switch be off at all times? Not sure as I don’t have this kind of set up - or a lot of electrical experience.

Actually I don’t think it was those switches. The issue was because I had placed the automation script for those lights on the same card and the same group. So once I created another group for those lights, everything worked fine. I do appreciate all your help.

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I just went through this so I can explain a little.

If you only replace one side of a 3-way switch with a z-wave switch, or both sides with regular z-wave switches, it will not work properly. The other switch will kill mains power to the z-wave switch, which isn’t right.

What you need is one normal z-wave switch and an “add-on switch”, which when these are both wired properly, maintains power to both switches at all times and makes the “add-on” into a momentary switch which communicates with the main switch so the pair can work together as expected.

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I’m glad be of some help and the result was a learning experience. Great info from @anderson110 as well.

That is the kind of setup I have, where one side contains a 3-way z-wave and the other is an add-on.

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I was having some switch issues as well. I deleted home-assistant_v2.db as my as my history was huge and home-assistant.log wasn’t working and the switches started working. Was probably a coincidence but might be worth a try.