History Stats: How do I find the source sensor for a time calculation

In the UI you can create a Time measure using History stats looking at a sensor that is in a particular state.

The issue for me is that once created the UI does not allow the editing of the source in any way, not the sensor, nor the state. I have had to delete a number of these history stats and then create them again with changed details. It would be nice if you could edit the source sensor and source state.

It was done intentionally, explained here:

OK, I understand the reasoning, and it is NOT a helpful response.

The issue is still one of NOT being able to see the front screen to see why the time is wrong. I guess I will need to learn to code this in YAML so that I can read all of the settings. Thanks.

Whose response?

Thanks Ildar for your answer. Not having a go at you or your answer, just the details of the revealed answer from the community at large.

The response of those who make the decision that the information on the first screen should not be made available in the UI. Thank you for letting me know of this unhelpful response to seeking information about the sensors on my system, that my ability to see that information is not available, requiring me to:
a: keep a record of the details outside of home assistant for reference, or
b: use home assistant in a manner that allows me to read (and even edit) the details, by using YAML files.
I have chosen the later option.

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I am using yaml mainly for config. Creating helpers in UI only in rare cases like investigating other users’ issues. Keeping config in yaml is much more flexible and gives lots of possibilities.

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