History Stats sensor exists but does not record anything (stays at 0)

I’m trying to create a sensor to log the number of hours my furnace oir AC runs each day. I found some resources and tried following the instructions, but alas, they don’t work.

Regarind the code below, my template sensors (hvac_idle, hvac_cooling, and hvac_heating) all work. I use them in Grafana to visualize when the furnace oir AC are running. Below that I have two dfferent sensors each for the heat and cooling history stats, each are configured differently (just attemts to get it to work).

The sensors are avilable to add to the dashboard but they always remain at “0.0”. I feel like I am missing something easy. Any ideas?

# State sensor - 1 when idle, 0 when "heating" or "cooling"
- platform: template
      value_template: >
        {% if state_attr('climate.hallway', 'hvac_action') == "idle" %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

# State sensor - 1 when cooling, 0 when "idle" or "heating"
- platform: template
      value_template: >
        {% if state_attr('climate.hallway', 'hvac_action') == "cooling" %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

# State sensor - 1 when heating, 0 when "idle" or "cooling"
- platform: template
      value_template: >
        {% if state_attr('climate.hallway', 'hvac_action') == "heating" %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

# ************ Attempt using "climate.hallway" state  ************
# Method A - Record amount of time the "climate.hallway" state is "cooling"
- platform: history_stats
  name: Air conditioning run time A
  entity_id: climate.hallway
  state: "cooling"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

# Method A - Record amount of time the "climate.hallway" state is "heating"
- platform: history_stats
  name: Heat run time A
  entity_id: climate.hallway
  state: "heating"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

# ************ Attempt using "hvac_xxxxxx" state  ************
# Method B - Record amount of time the "hvac_cooling" state is "1"
- platform: history_stats
  name: Air conditioning run time B
  entity_id: hvac_cooling
  state: "1"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

# Method B - Record amount of time the "hvac_heating" state is "1"
- platform: history_stats
  name: Heat run time B
  entity_id: hvac_heating
  state: "1"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

“Method A” sensors are listening for states that will never happen… “heating” and “cooling” are values of the hvac_action attribute. The state of the climate entity is a more general “cool” or “heat” which does not indicate actual activity.

You’re missing the domain on the entity ID for both “Method B” sensors.

- platform: template
      value_template: >
        {{ state_attr('climate.hallway', 'hvac_action') }}

- platform: history_stats
  name: Air conditioning run time
  entity_id: sensor.hvac_action_hallway
  state: "cooling"
  type: time
  start: "{{ today_at() }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

- platform: history_stats
  name: Heat run time
  entity_id: sensor.hvac_action_hallway
  state: "heating"
  type: time
  start: "{{ today_at() }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"
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