History tab empty entries "http login" and "config entry discovery"


Yesterday I noticed new entries in the history tab but couldn’t really find out what they are and where they came from. Their value seems to be empty.


I quess they are some notifications?
If I want to hide them from history, how to do it?

If it helps, I am running:
Home Assistant Core 2022.5.5
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.3
Home Assistant OS 8.1
Kernel version 5.15.32-v8
Agent version 1.2.1

I found this older topic but it was unsolved.

If I zoom out the history the two entries disappear and other ones appear.
Seems like they might be the same thing?


Notifications that appear in the sidebar of HA are called persistent notifications. For each one that appears there is a corresponding persistent_notification entity. And its state gets recorded by default like any other entity.

To stop recording history for them add persistent_notification to your exclude domains in recorder. Or if you want to record their history but just don’t want them to show up in the history panel then add that to exclude domains in history instead.

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Thanks, that is really helpful info and solves the problem for me.

There seems to be some minor bug with displaying the name of the notifications as they change with different zoom levels but it is not a big deal.

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