Hive device & sensors not detected


For some reason, HA just won’t find my hive devices or sensors. The hive hub shows up as a network device at the top of the page, but the temp and door/motion sensots are not found - my understanding was that HA would find all my devices automatically without any further configuration.

I have not added any third party libraries for hive. all i have is the 3 lines enabling hive, with user account and password.
the log file shows that HA seems to login ok to hive cloud. beyond this, i’m struggling to ascertain the reason it is not working.

I’m on latest hassio version as of 25June

any suggestions?

thanks v much

Hi @david283

To be honest I don’t know much about hassio, but I am assuming it works pretty much the same as home assistant installed on top of Linux as far as this goes.

You are right that you need only to add the following lines to your config file and restart HA to add Hive to your setup:


When you restart HA are there any entries in the log section of the gui related to hive, if so are you able to paste those log entries here? (making sure to remove any personal information that might be there)

Also you say that only the hive hub shows up, but as a network device, are you able to post a screen shot here of that?

In the GUI if you click on “States” underneath “Developer Tool” do you see any Hive related stuff, such as the Heating and Hotwater?

6 months later… firstly apologies!

After reloading hassio countless times etc etc etc i have finally got this working this evening by chance.

I tried to log into Hive, but it said my account was locked. which is odd. I reset my password to the same as it was before (basically unlocked the account). hassio still not detecting hive devices. I reset my password to something a little less complex and boom - hassio found my hive devices after a reboot.

I had earlier set debug for the logger component but nowhere dud it say bad password anywhere.

from a coding viewpoint, are there any characters in a password that may cause an issues?



Hi David,

Glad to hear that you got it working.

I don’t know for sure but there could be one point in the library code for logging in to the Hive API which might fail if the password and / or username contained the characters ' and / or "

but to be honest I don’t know 100%