Hive integration stuck

Hi, first post as a new user of HA. I’m a controls engineer to trade so not unfamiliar with the concepts BUT have gotten stuck adding my Hive system to HA. It gets to “enter your Hive configuration” with a pre filled name of Home Assistant, but no matter what I try, it says unknown error occurred. It’s logged into my Hive account ok, Philips Hue works fine, HA is set up correctly, just cannot get by this part. Searched on here but no hits.

Version 10.0 of HA is installed in a VM within Win 10 on a NUC, still toying with whether to put ProxMox on the NUC and P2V the Win 10 install but for now I’m running HA as a VM and so far so good. Except Hive.

Any help appreciated :+1:

Update - it’s working. In case others have the same issues, firstly the Hive integration is really slooooow. When it pings your phone with the 2FA code, enter it asap. I was a bit slow in doing so the first time so it all went Pete Tong after that.

I “ignored” hive, then added it manually, when the phone got the 2FA text I hurriedly entered the code and hit ok, then again on the next screen (home assistant device name) and waited… eventually it said success! Tfft.

Now I can see the heating stat and that’s good, but no sign of the hot water side. Ah well, more reading I guess.