Hive landlord heating automation

I am someone can help.
I run 2 Airbnb rooms attached to my house.
I have the Hive smart thermostat in each apartment so they can control the heating as they wish.
I was using IFTTT to automate the heating to return to schedule on the hour to prevent customers leaving the heating 30 degrees on 24/7 especially when they leave the room with a window open.
IFTTT has now stopped working so I am a bit stuck.
Any ideas on a system that would enable me to achieve the same control or similar ? Thank you

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You’ve posted this question twice. I answered the other one.

Yes my knowledge is very limited as just looking into this for the first time.
So if have HA I can link my Hive heating hub to it and program automation within HA?
Do I need home assistance Green to detect my hive hub or does the HA app have the capabilities to detect my Hive hub on its own?Thanks

OK, got it.

In a nutshell, The HA software is free, but you can pay a subscription to use it remotely if you want. This goes towards supporting the developers.

You can use a ‘Green’’ it’s possibly the easiest way to get started as it contains all the hardware and software pre-loaded.

You can also use any spare PC or RPi you want to run the software. Again, check the docs.

HA (with the Hive integration) does not detect the hub but, instead, will logon to your Hive account and control your Hive that way.

ZHA/MQTT can control the Hive locally over Zigbee (no online login needed). You’ll need the ‘SkyConnect’ for Zigbee and then HA should detect the thermostat and receiver directly.

Read the docs though.

Thank you for that info.
So in your opinion what’s the best option for me?

The guest suite radiators I want to control are on site as is the boiler .
The automation I want to create is bassically something that returns the heating back to schedule either by a trigger with temperature or like every hour.
Not looking for anything over complicated as long as it works properly. Thanks

The automation you are looking for is simple enough. You want it to trigger every hour and set the thermostat to a pre-defined schedule. There are several ways to do this.

However, please read the docs. You cannot simply buy a Green and expect it all to work instantly. You need to learn a few things first and there will be trial and error.

The Green is one way to go. Again, read the docs to see all the different ways that you can run HA - there might be a more suitable one for you.

In summary, please read the docs.

I see. Where is the best place to read these docs?
Lastly - so just running HA with no green is not possible?

Are you technically minded? HA is a tech hobbyist’s solution; it’s absolutely awesome but you need to be prepared to play/tinker/learn to some extent. If you are not technically minded, this might not be for you.

You can run HA on many different platforms; the ‘green’ is just the simplest plug-and-play because the software has already been loaded for you. You will also need the ‘skyconnect’ if you want to talk to your thermostat locally (not via the Hive cloud). It’s all in the docs.