I have seen a lot of discussions re accessing hive attribute but all are old and most seem to be before the Hive official integration.
I would like to use the thermostat current_temperature, temperature, hvac_modes and hvac_action, to create automations. I realise these are not directly exposed and seem to be attributes. However, I cannot find examples of value templates anywhere that I can use to access these attributes. I have tried such as ‘climate.thermostat_2.attributes.current_temperature’ but have been unable to get a value. I have tried a few service calls such as the one below:
service: input_number.set_value
value: "{{ states ('climate.thermostat_2.attributes.current_temperature') | float(0) | round(3) }}"
entity_id: input_number.work_temp_1
This just resulted in the default value of 0 in the input_number and not the 21.0 I was hoping for.
I have attached the states entry for this thermostat: