HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

Hello, can you help me with distance meauserment on ld2450? I try to tweak some settings via serial tool (sscom), but i receive no distance signal (it stays same all time). Using HLK Radar tool working fine, but for my project i need serial data. Thanks in advance

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How did you make that radar card in your screenshot? Can you share the sauce? Pretty neat!

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In our experience you can get the output with proper wire connections, if not, consider making a pull-up resistor to see if it improves.

The core of the map’s display comes from athua’s code (he was smart enough to make the generated core code and share it), and we made some very minor tweaks as well as a handy online code generation tool. There are also some video tutorials and other stuff, so I hope that helps.


Yes, we simply integrated an additional light sensor into the 2A.

In the most recent revision of the protocol, version 1.03 (released 10/23, link), methods are provided that can be queried.

I apologize for the Chinese characters, but the protocol command is 0x0091

thanks a lot, i need a way to translate it to implement in ble :smiley:

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good luck:)

Hey I’m just now reading the blog but can’t get my config to compile in ESPHome and wanted to post my log file and yaml for the build asap. The sooner I get it up the sooner someone might see it and ask some qualifying questions to start trying to overcome this challenge.

Hope anyone is having a good week and thanks for taking the time to read my post.


This config is titled for a ld2410c but it is for a ld2450

Log files from ESPHome compile attempt

Link to similar post I made on ld2410 tips page and someone mentioned this page

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Hi @screek-workshop not related to HLK-2450, but has there been an update on integrating HLK-6001 to esphome?

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Hi, due to being rather busy lately, we tested it on pc and it sometimes spawns ghosts but disappears quickly, the ghosts also usually split into more than one with one person, but overall it’s pretty good, haven’t noticed ghosting when there’s no one around.
We haven’t had a chance to test it with eight people yet, and the parsing hasn’t been done yet.

You may get more responses if you post your YAML here rather than on protected Google docs pages where people need to request for access to view it.

If the YAML and logs contain private information, you can mask them out to maintain your privacy.

Yeah I never post docs so was not aware this was an issue, thanks for pointing that out. I just didn’t want to make such a huge post, but I don’t know a way to post a publicly accessible link without researching instructions on how to do this. My background is in medicine but I enjoy smart home tech and am slowly learning to write code and have been running HA in some form or another since like 7 years so know a decent amount. Anyway, I’ll post the yaml files asap.

Does anybody know the name of the type of the alternative pin connector on the LD2450? I think it might be called a JST connector but I’m still researching. Apparently the pin pitch size and number of pins is required for proper siding also. According to the description on Amazon it is a serial port tool with pin pitch is 1.5mm and 4 pins.

ZH1.5mm 4p pin header

ref: What are the wiring specifications for the LD2450 module? How should I buy it?

Hello everyone !
I am very happy to express myself here for the first time. I have already come just as a reader to find answers to my questions more than once.
I particularly followed the work of @screek-workshop which is a reference for the ld2450. But as my mother tongue is French I instead looked for help on another forum where it is easier for me to make myself understood.
With the ideas and motivation of the French-speaking community we have significantly modified the Screek firmware:

  • You can choose the number of detection or exclusion zones you want; you are not limited to 3 and 1 respectively.
  • You can also choose, for example, to specify that your sensor is 45 degrees from the wall, which will make zone detection very precise.
  • If you often stay still in an area and the sensor loses you then, by activating the option, the area will become inactive again only when you leave it.
  • If you find it annoying to have to rename all your entities for each of your rooms and sensors, the generator will take care of this problem for you.

If I managed to share my enthusiasm with you I invite you to consult my github or even better to use the generator https://53l3cu5.github.io



hi, thanks for your amazing work and effort, gonna try it soon.
what about the zone.h? where I should put or use it? thank you

Big thanks for this, my only complaint is the static detection that’s not really that good if I sit too long or lying down. Will be trying your component and I’ll update if I get better results.

The graph generator is a nice addition.

This file is mandatory for the code to function properly. l must be saved in the same folder as the YAML file. Once it’s saved, you don’t have to worry about it at all. On the other hand, the manipulation is easier to do if you compile your code on your PC than if you do it directly from ESP home under home assistant

Hello Shaq
You are absolutely right, this improvement does not completely compensate for the weaknesses of the sensor. I advise you to increase the Time Out to 5 seconds and activate the Target must leave Zone option for the zone where you remain static.
But despite this it is possible that it still does not work correctly. This may be due to another presence/target in the total detection zone of the sensor.
If the target is a parasite and always remains in the same position, then you must put an exclusion zone around it and the problem is solved; otherwise there is nothing to do to compensate softwarely the issue.

Yannickinlive26 solved issue by using the LD1125H and positioning it less than 4 meters from him. This sensor detects breathing. It is therefore better at detecting a static person. On the other hand, its general characteristics are less complete than the LD2450.