HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

I got the protocol (unfortunately in Chinese) and uploaded in my repo.
I will try to implement all the new features of the firmware in the next days.

ESPHome LD2450


Looking at the documentation, the source code part isn’t too complicated, it’s mostly just more switches for Bluetooth, and a multiplayer mode switch.
As well as some protocols for regional settings.
But since the app is all directly operable (except for the bluetooth switch), we haven’t bothered with this implementation yet.

For the documentation, we try to give you a copy with machine translation.

Good luck!

Multiple Targets Mode Progress (screek.io)

Since we are not familiar with the Android environment, we relayed this issue to the developers.
If there is any closer news. We will forward it to you.

Just received feedback from the developer:

14 has not yet released the official version, APP should not be adapted to.

Thank you, I have also translated online the manual.
The regional filtering is a must, it could be very useful to filter out moving objects like fans etc.
I’m not sure yet how I will implement this but it will definitely be there as an option

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The Android app was updated yesterday, but it is not working. It’s crashing.

I will test it on another version of Android

The app loops for file permission on Android 13 too :sweat_smile:
The last available version on Android, 1.1.49 (build 26), crashes too for me. Tested on 13 and 12.

I think we must wait for the same version as IOS, I have read it is hoped for today or tomorrow

This morning, using the Android app with V1.1.38 I found and firmware update available for LD2450. I tried to update but after restart the sensor is not visible anymore (Bluetooth or serial). The sensor is cold.
After a while the Android App 1.1.49 become available. The sensor is still dead.
Now another update Android 1.1.54 arrived and the same.
Anyone else with similar symptom?

iOS app doesn’t work either for me… Two iPhones can’t connect using the app, just stuck on the ‘Please later’ error. This is with my phone right next to the radars. The Android app doesn’t work either; getting file permissions errors on one and crashes on another. Will just wait patiently for another app update

*edit: I just kept trying and trying and eventually I got iOS app to connect and update, new firmware working great

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I have started implementing the new features for ESPHome.
I need your help
To set the filtered area (either detect only in the area or everything outside it) there should be entered “two diagonal vertex coordinates” in mm that would make a rectagular.
How should I implement it to be more clear and easy for the users?
Should I just enter two-four text inputs for the numbers, some sliders, a better idea?

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:raising_hand_man: :raising_hand_man:

That would be 4 sliders :stuck_out_tongue:

what are the limits of those vertex coordinates ?

This is a known issue, fixed in a later updated version.

Reference: Multiple Targets Mode Progress

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The hilink side would like some crash videos of the app working erratically, if possible please record one and we’ll forward it to their senior developers.

Not known… Theoretical the limits of the module’s range


We will share some new things about 2A with everyone through summaries and collected findings, most of which are also applicable to LD2450. The information mainly comes from Hilink developers, SCREEK community, and HA community.


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2A LD2450 new firmware update V2.04.23101915, you can keep multiplayer mode!


We have just gotten information that the new firmware has been released.

With the new app (IOS is V1.4.2), the multiplayer mode can already be kept.

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There is other way to flash the firmware for ld2450 other than Bluetooth one?

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HLKradartool 1.1.57 finds LD2450 but gives no access for FW upgrade.

The Hlkradartool 1.1.57 app for Android, still has permission issues. Can’t grant access to write in the device making it impossible to use it for LD2450.
There have been some updates but all have the same problem