HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

I reached him on PR and he seems to be very responsive…
But I understand your point.

Those are some nice transparent case.

Is there a limit to how many entry points can be added?

Also, could the range for Y be increased slightly?
I have this fan i need to ignore and it’s beyond 700


Is there a limit to how many entry points can be added?

There is no limit

Also, could the range for Y be increased slightly?

Increased to 10 meters

Thanks, just did that an update

But i’m still getting this error that it’s out of range, maybe I’m missing something?

Hmm, it works for me. It is enough to flash the device, but try to reload the page.

Is there any reason why zone 2 and zone 3 are not working?

I mean if a target is in zone 1 than i get presence but not in zone 2 or 3 even if I’m standing in zone 2 or 3

What firmware are you using? Now there is a component from 5 different authors

I’m using YAML from screek

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This seems to be an abnormal behavior, it might help people to try to analyze the possible causes if the full settings and in in in the coordinates of area 1,2 are provided, a recording screen might be better.
Yura using coordinated hilink firmware idea is cool, we will try to release a 2A compatible version based on yura library.

Great work, yura.

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Made a short video

Reflashed today and now also zone 1 is not reacting

What can be wrong?

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From here I don’t see any exceptions that might occur, can you try to use our original firmware (the binary one) to try if the behavior is the same?
And has the code been modified?

Is there currently any FW that supports v2.04.23101945? I tried with 2A and there were always 3 targets present at a distance of 30m. I tried with yura’s but didn’t get the target. Everything works normally with the default FW when first purchased

Looking forward to the best from you, thank you

Hi, has there been a change with entry/exit points?
Just lying in bed past hour, and nowhere near the exit point
But occupancy gets cleared a bit too frequently

Which FW is your LD2450 in?

No, I didn’t make any changes. Try to look at the last coordinates, maybe the sensor sees ghosts.

I tested my component with FW version V2.0423101915 and V2.02.23090617

Hey Yura, did you change the orientation of the sensor? I had to turn it 180° to get the right results. As mentioned in the docs the expected install position is this:

I have my whole house with LD2410C that works perfect installed in the ceiling. I’m just wondering if there’s any real benefit on using this sensor instead? I’m seeing there’s no too much configuration you can do except for the detection range. Is it actually good at static or micro movement?

This sensor can detect up to three targets. It’s also very customizable since you can set exclude or include zones for detection. It detects static and moving targets. Can’t compare it to LD2410