HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

Which YAML should i use for DIY sensor?

I have only modified part for board type and wifi.

I tried binary firmware but it doesn’t work since i have dev esp32 dev board

I use the sensor upside down, I don’t think it affects the readings much.

I’m also not sure if it makes a difference… If you are intending to integrate the code in esphome would make sense to use the position from docs to avoid frustrations like mine, since many users would search for the “right install position”.
It’s a friendly notice :wink:
Thank you very much for your time coding this and sharing to the world!

How it compares when it comes to the main functionality of these sensors, detecting people that are not moving?

After changing to the original position of the sensor, seems like the fan interference is somehow closer to the bed so I can’t exclude the zone there. Gonna try position it differently

LD2410 is better for static, you’ll want the LD2450 to assign zone and blocking some areas.

What is the meaning of this sensors and why they are not available?

It looks like they are just being used as headings to group the settings, eg. all the Zone1 configuration settings are listed under ‘Zone1 Info’.

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Guys please help me out! I’m getting crazy :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Sensor is not triggering presence in defined zones. I have tried everything what was possible: tried changing different esp board, different LD2450 sensor but nothing helps.

LD2450 has latest firmware
ESPhome 2023.11.0b6 also just tried with 2023.11.0

I can see targets and i see targets moving into zone but it still show not detected in the zone.

Any ideas what is wrong or what can i try?

This is exact code what i’m using:


I see that in the code you have the following switch. Has it been turned on? If not, the Zone functionality is disabled.

  - platform: template
    name: Zone Enable
    id: zone_fn_enable
    optimistic: True
    icon: mdi:target-variant
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON

Is by default on and i have tried to switch it off and on for test but it doesn’t affect results.

Really desperate :confused: i just took the code from screek github page and what i understand is that same code works for everyone else but not for me.

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Thanks to a discovery and feedback from @LaneaLucy in the general reddit community, we were fortunate enough to work with the hlk developers to discover a cause of the German-speaking Android app crashing (mainly due to the localized German decimal point being a comma)

Description of the crash:

  • Clicking on the LD2450 device in the device list then produces a crash.


  • A similar error can be found in the crash log:

11-15 13:26:27.680 7581 7581 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:“-12,59”

The current version of the apk with the temporary patch (HLKRadarTool)
It should be released to the full version soon.

If it works well, we need to thank LaneaLucy for her ingenuity. (https://www.reddit.com/r/screekworkshop/comments/17cbpb5/2a_ld2450_new_firmware_update_v20423101915_you/)

If your Android version also crashes and is also located in a European region, try this version.

Including the following regions may help:

Denmark Norway
Czech Republic
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Serbia and Montenegro

Internal Testing Of The Hlkradartools Android App, Fixing A Crash Caused By The German Language Environment. : screekworkshop (reddit.com)

If we have some extra time today, I’ll try to run your code.
We’ll need to look into that.

It’s true that our 2a code doesn’t seem to be getting a lot of exception reports at the moment.

Running miremi’s modified custom 2a code demo, zone functions fine - YouTube

I used the same code as yours, adapted the runtime environment a bit to conform to 2a, and the zone function and zout work fine in the initial tests.
The ld2450 firmware for this test is the original firmware (now we can make sure it’s up to date, it’s a batch of 100 LD2450 modules picked up in the last few days).

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Can you help me with the driver for this circuit?
Many thanks!

I don’t understand what drives a circuit, sorry.
If you mean 2a, it’s a bh1750, and a ld2450, and doesn’t require a special driver.

Thank you!!!

By watching your video i realized my stupid mistake:

Zone coordinate X-Bigin need a value starting with - and not X-End
For example: i had configured X-Begin 3000 and X-End -3000 and it has to be reversed like
X-Begin -3000 and X-End 3000

So this is the correct direction for the sensor.
I have used your code yaml in git.

i want ask @ ferbulous

A public forum is not a suitable place for this.

I want everyone to see and know which HiLink is an unscrupulous seller and warn others not to buy products from the Shenzhen Hi-Link Module Store Store. By deleting my posts, you are only helping a rogue seller to do his dirty work. Other people may also be affected by this seller