HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

FP2 is exactly TI IWR6843, I don’t have issues with programming it, I have a problem with designing and soldering PCB for it

Clustering, features extraction, classification, projections, all is already here.

One big advantage with IWR6843 is that it allows you to change firmware: you want gestures recognition - upload, only presence - another firmware, vital signs - there is a firmware, maybe you want to fusion radar with camera - there is a firmware for it, different mounting location (ceiling, wall, behind plaster) - covered by speficied firmware/config.


PCB and soldering are easy, the hard part is that you design it correctly. Hardware not like software, you could not just fix by rewrite it. Purchase the kit and follow their is the best solution. mmWave not like some relay board, it is hard

You can use free design tool: Easy PCB and then use PCB and assemble service https://jlcpcb.com, they will to the door for you and just use it. I use their service many time.
DIY can do what ever you want, but it is not easy. If you success you can also sell the hardware to the community to reduce the cost.


I tried using GPIO14 (TX) and GPIO12 (RX) with no luck. Custom Presence Region 0 is Unknown, Moving/Still Target are both clear when I’m practically on top of it and target count is 0. My LD2450 came preinstalled with V2.04.23101915.

This is an amazing & simple design. Do you mind sharing your 3D printing files please? Thank you so much

at someone a 3d file from the ld2450 (only the sensor board)
would help me a lot with the housing design. Thanks

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Has anyone found an STL for the 2450 yet?

Might not be what you want

If you’re referring to 2A to the shell, we don’t make the print file for the shell public, but we do make the source code public. Nonetheless, for those DIYers out there, send us a message to get a printed copy for private use. Please note, however, that this needs to be done with specific 2A hardware(luatos esp32-c3)

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this seems very cute.

I couldn’t agree more, especially with shipping to all parts of the world in this case, it’s almost impossible to return for repairs.
By the way, your zigbee open source project for the CC2530 series is great! There is a group of Russians (it seems) who have a huge passion for zigbee, and the implementation uses ti’s 2530 series chips.you guys are cool!

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Hi all, i’m using the stable 2A by Screek, sometimes my setup becomes unavailable which requires physically unplugging the charger. Is that normal? I’m using an esp wroom 32 board. Tya

Yes! you’re right. I made the code for LD2461 and it works on HA now. However, the ghost point will appear on radar chart without anyone in detection area sometimes and remaining for a long while. I think LD2461’s F/W still need to be fine tuned.

lol is the ghost appearing OUTSIDE the detection area?
is also ld2450 affected?

The chart I showed is just a case, ghost point can be anywhere, I’ve asked help from HLK, hopefully they can do something to dig out the problem after Chinese new year!
By the way, I got similar problem with LD2450 when multi-target is enabled. so I use single target mode for LD2450 all the time.

well if 2450 is working right with single target and also costs much less, it can be a good catch. For my use case che point is knowing if there is someone in the detection area, not the number of targets.
I fear i’ll have to get a 2450 :slight_smile:

Hi there,
I wonder if anyone tried to use ld2410 and ld2450 at the same time (on different UARTs)? Do the radar waves interfere each other or does it work to combine better still target detection and positioning? I’m waiting on 5 different ld**** device’s, but with CNY it will take an other 2 weeks I think till they are here and I’m able to test myself… :sweat:

can you show your esphome.yaml and mabye an automation.yaml to how to make sensor do something

Can you provide the code?

indeed, it is not good timing to buy LD2461 at this moment. I use it just for learning. To learn how to make custom sensor for HA and making the chassis by 3D printer.

this is another very good point. Is a PLA printed wall interfering with sensor’s waves? do we need to leave the sensor uncovered?
in the meantime my finger fell on the order button for a 2450 on ali…