HLK-LD2450 Initial experiments to connect to HomeAssistant

PLEASE REWORK MY CODE :slight_smile:


Thx a lot !
I’m on vacation this evening (for 3 weeks :star_struck:) but I’ll watch it one evening. If I have any comments or questions I will give them to you
thanks again

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Hi all,

unfortunately i can’t contribute much to the code but i’ve made a small snap fit enclosure for the LD2450 + ESP32 S2 Mini combo. Might fit all the other Wemos mini form factors.

LD2450 + ESP32 S2 Mini Enclosure on Thingiverse

Thanks for development so far!.

Best regards.


Nice one. I just printed it today (before I stumbled on your message).

Thanks. Fits and snaps very well !

Hi MassiPi,

How do I install your code? I tried installing it through HACS - Custom Repository but I get the message :

<Integration MassiPi/ld2450_ble> Repository structure for main is not compliant

Hi selecus, do you know why these entities is Unavailable? I currently on ESPHome 2024.4.2,

for codes I just copy-paste the yaml code and the zone.h from your github without edit any single words


Hi, Not sure if this is the correct forum, I am using the HLK Radar app, the device is found and I connect bet I and get an error “AA55 setting failed!” any idea what this is, I get no results on google. Appreciate any advice

Hello muktheo
Sorry for my late answer. I was at sea for several days and I didn’t particularly feel like trying to connect to the Internet.
I checked on Github and the ticket seems closed. Can you confirm to me that you found the solution to your problem?

I believe in the original SCREEK code, those entities were used as section place holders to group the entities and don’t actually have any values so they can be removed from your YAML if you don’t want to see them.

  - platform: template
    name: "Zone1 Info"
    id: tips_zone1_conf
    icon: mdi:information-outline
    entity_category: config
    lambda: |-
      return {"Configure below" };
    update_interval: 1000s

Thank you very much for the code.

I got one question: Would it be possible to implement a flip orientation option? The way my sensors are installed, the target are mirrored. So when I’m left from the sensor its showing right.
As far as I understand one, would just need to multiple als target values *-1 with feature activated. Would that approach work?

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@athua I used your yaml code. but can’t get the map to work on HA.


this helped.

The error you received means that your sensor names doesn’t match (the ESPHome yaml and the Map code) and you need to update the map code with the names of your sensor.

Hi All,

I bought the HLK-LD2450. The issue is though - its not very accrurate. I frequently get false detections. Anyone else have this experience or any suggestions on how to improve the firmware? Thanks Any feedback or help would be much much appreciated.

I think this is pretty normal for LD2450. I experimented in some rooms with them, but they are not usable for me as a daily driver. You really would need the sensitivity settings like the LD2410 got in order to calibrate it properly for your needs.
I had really high hopes with the zones for LD2450, but its better to stick with LD2410.

The LD2450 is working well for me. I have 3 set up in my home and don’t get any false detections.
What can help is to use a firmware that has an exclusion zone. You can then setup an exclusion zone around where the false detections are occurring (such as a ceiling fan or window with curtains that may move).
I’m not sure which firmware fixtSE is using as it looks like you need to join up on their site to get the YAML :frowning:
I based my ESPHome YAML around the SCREEK code which is all open source and available on GITHub.

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I’m using esp32dev instead of c3 mini, when I build the firmware, an error message show:

i2c: [source /config/ld2450-screek.yaml:561]
    This pin cannot be used on ESP32s and is already used by the flash interface (function: Flash Data 0).
    sda: GPIO7
    This pin cannot be used on ESP32s and is already used by the flash interface (function: Flash Command).
    scl: GPIO11

So I changed to GPIO 21 and 22 for i2c then I could build the firmware, everything work well instead of light sensor, I couldn’t get the value of it.

I’m very confuse which GPIO should use when using esp32dev
And does someone help me to explain when we didn’t wire sda, scl but still get data from light sensor on esp32 c3.

Thank a lot

see my edit. the LD2450 board does not have a light sensor, Sreek simply added a light sensor as an extra board in their sensor. so if you are doing diy like me and didnt put a light sensor in then you will not be able to get light level data.

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Look at inside their product: ld2450 and esp32 c3
But they could get the illumination value. That make me confused

i dont have one of their sensors but i believe it is behind the esp board. you can see what looks like a separate board on the back of the esp board in this photo in their original post

Edit: you can see it very clearly in this photo from the next post


That is correct. The SCREEK 2A sensor has a BH1750 board which is used to get the lux value.

The LD2450 does not have a light sensor but the LD2410 does but the one on the LD2410 is only enabled when the sensor is running in Engineering Mode.