HMI EDATEC ED-HMI-3010-101C to Raspberry pi5 for Home Assistant

Today after some reading I decided to go with Raspberry pi 5 8gb for Home Assistant. Then I mounted PI5 on a SLI touch screen. Thit is the screen:


The issue I have (bare with me as I am not advanced) is that screen has backlight but screen is not showing anything. I connected hdmi and PI os on. I tried to flash last PI5 OS and PI works, screen isn’t.
Then I tried to flash HA and also works but no screen.

Screen is not showing nothing on both situations even if it turns on (has backlight). Only the HDMI out is working and I can see what I am doing.

When I try to flash the screens manufacturers recommended OS (any of the 3) to SD (with official Raspberry pi imager), the Raspberry does not turn on at all and stops to a message:

Asynchronous SError Interupt.

The 2 images:
The other image:

Any ideas?


did you install the firmware the manufacturer provides?
Probably these includes all the setup for image output.

Yeap! Same error with all 3 firmwares.
Maybe I am doing something wrong? I am installing to SD through official imager, inserting to PI amd same error…

I also contacted manufacturer.

What I do not understand is the next:

If you install the formware for screen in SD and run it and let’s say screen works, after formating the SD to install HA, isn’t the screen firmware missing from the sd card??

The error message I get:

It worked on rasbios.

Posting the solution to help any other who may bumb onto the same issue:

Followed the instructions from EDATEC website and had some changes:

  1. Installed latest Raspberry OS through imager.

  2. Opened the " Using Standard Raspberry Pi OS on ED-HMI3010 Series"

  3. Went to page 28 and it seems that copying and pasting the commands given is not working because some parts are missing. (Advanced user will understand why and what. I don’t…) So:

  4. Opened Index of /raspbian/

  5. Pressed the dots (top left corner) and copied the commands from there. The pasted one by one to CLI. Commands following:

curl -sS | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/edatec-archive-stable.gpg

echo “deb Index of /raspbian/ stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edatec.list

sudo apt update

install stmpe-adc-dkms for example

sudo apt install stmpe-adc-dkms

sudo apt install -y ed-linux-image-6.1.58-2712

curl -s ‘’ | sudo bash -s

sudo apt install -y ed-hmi3010-101c-firmware

dpkg -l | grep ed-hmi3010-101c-firmware

sudo reboot

  1. After reboot, screen turned on and HDMI screen turned off.


After some talk with Edatec, they proposed to Raspberry Pi OS 64bit version after July 4, 2024 and after booting just run:

curl -s | sudo bash -s “hmi3010_101c”

it automatically installed and rebooted.
It lit up the screen after reboot.