Ho to remove API-Encryption

I activated encryption, recompiled and uploaded the firmware, and added the key in Homeassistant.

Since I made several changes to the firmware and suddenly nothing works anymore, I want to make sure, it’s not the encryption.

So I removed the encryption from the ESPhome device configuration, compiled and uploaded it.

But somehow all the entities of this device are inactive in HA.
I guess it’s because HA still thinks the API is encrypted.

W][api.connection:084]: Reading failed: BAD_INDICATOR errno=11

But I cannot delete devices from HA.

How do I tell HA to not encrypt the communication with the formerly encrypted device anymore?

Just remove/add back the ESP node in HA no ?

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Yes, you are right. I always get confused with the aggregated view of the integration and forgot, that you can open one device, and then remove it.