The new Tile card is awesome. It currently has only 2 action types - tap and icon tap. It’d be great if a hold Action for both can also be added!
November 4, 2022, 12:37pm
I would like also to have double-tap action as well.
December 26, 2022, 5:05am
Yep, the Tile card is looking good, but it would be good to show the “More Info” panel (or another action) by holding the card. Assigning this different action to the icon makes it too easy for users to accidentally trigger the wrong action on phones where the tile is pretty small.
I’ve set my icon action to ping zwave devices, but I can’t do that for bulbs because I need ‘more info’ to reach the color temp slider and color picker. Retaining a hold action would be great!
double tap, just as in mushroom cards would be great as well
Both hold and double tap actions have been released in 2023.12 but are not available to configure through the UI so to use them you need to manually update the yaml.
This is a great addition, thank you!
Would it be possible to also introduce hold_icon_action
1 Like
(Iisakki Kaaretkoski)
January 28, 2024, 11:37am
Seems like it’s already planned, as the card already has a really nice animation for when you hold the icon! It just activates the icon tap action for now.
1 Like
(Martin Dybal)
September 14, 2024, 5:15am
The pr was merged. It’ll be introduced in 2024.10
← martindybal:feature/tile-card-icon-hold-and-icon-double-tap-
opened 11:02AM - 11 Sep 24 UTC
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Added icon_hold_action and icon_double_tap_action for the Tile card.
The hold and double tap actions option has been introduced in PR But the hold or double tap icon is not supported. And a hold tap on an icon invokes icon_action not hold_action.
This is probably a bug because tap was used in any action.
This pr will allow the user to apply the same hold action to the content and the icon.
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action: navigate
navigation_path: /config
action: navigate
navigation_path: /config
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## Summary by CodeRabbit
- **New Features**
- Enhanced tile card interactions with new options for hold and double tap actions.
- Expanded configuration options for tile cards to allow for more interactive user experiences.
These updates improve user engagement by enabling more nuanced control over tile card responses to gestures.