Hold Action of a button

I’m using Zigbee2MQTT and Node-RED and I just paired an WXCJKG11LM from Xiaomi.
Now I wanted to use the “hold” function of this device, only thing is that when I hold the button I see the device is pushing an button_1_hold and directly after that an empty command, when I release the button it is button_1_release and a empty command directly after that. I want to create something like an action that happens as long as I hold the button and stop it when I release the button. But thats hard to accomplish with the “events : state” node. Does someone has some solution for this?

for example:
I want to dim a lightbulb as long as I hold the button.
Or turn on a lightbulb as long as I hold the button but want it to turn off when I release the button

I also tried this with other buttons that supports hold actions, they have the same “issue”