Hold or Multi-tap


I have my garage doors available on some wall mounted tablets and find that sometimes these buttons are mistakenly pressed. Is it possible to trigger a widget on hold or by pressing twice (within a specific period of time) in Hadasboard? This would solve the issue entirely.

Thank you all!

There are both hold and double tap actions.

You can also pop up a confirmation asking you really want to do the action.



Interesting, this would function in Hadashboard? I’m not seeing any information in AppDaemon documentation on how to utilize.

Sorry I completely missed that in your topic and the topic category.

No this is for standard dashboards.

No worries, I figured. Using Lovelace would be great, but it’s too far away GUI customizability wise for now.

@ReneTode @tjntomas

Out of curiosity have you guys built out this functionality? I know in the past you’ve both built out excellent custom functionality.

sorry for the late reaction, but im not active here anymore :wink:
i believe thats only possible with an app in the background and with the help from a helper switch.

Thank you and too bad! The Hadashboard community seems dead, BUT this still remains the best for wall mounted tablets.

it is, and im still using it :wink: