Hold 'remote send command' function issue (like a TV remote) for IR volume control


I’ve been having an issue with my current setup to control a infrared controlled motorized volume knob on my Benchmark DAC 3. I couldn’t find a fix on the forum posts similar to this.

My current setup consists of

  • Philips Hue Tap Dial Dimmer (stepped control) (new one)
  • Broadlink RM3 mini
  • Home Assistant 2022.11.2
  • Supervisor 2022.10.2
  • Operating System 9.3
  • Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

And is automated via the following code:

alias: Benchmark DAC 3 volume up (Hue)
description: ""
  - platform: device
    domain: mqtt
    device_id: 5c33845a83b6130bb0237c5219851908
    type: action
    subtype: dial_rotate_right_step
    discovery_id: 0x001788010d34a1ec action_dial_rotate_right_step
condition: []
  - service: remote.send_command
      device: dac 3
      command: volume up
      num_repeats: 2
      entity_id: remote.broadlink_rm_mini_3_remote
mode: single

What I essentially want is that the ‘remote send command’ keeps firing the command until I stop dialing the Hue switch to the right. Right now it only sends one short command every time I fire a step on the Hue switch, which is quite inconvenient as it is a motorized volume knob on the DAC. The original remote of the DAC keeps adjusting the volume up, until I let go of the button without any weird pauses in between, just like a normal TV remote does. It also doesn’t really matter which switch (input) device is used within HA as the output is always the same. I’ve used the Ikea Symfonisk knob before this.

My current workaround is that I have increased the repeats option on the ‘fast dial’ event of the Hue switch as broadlink doesn’t support the ‘hold’ function. So whenever I fast dial the switch it turns the volume 4 times up (like: up > stop > up > stop > up > stop > up > stop).

I’ve tried making some automations in Node Red, however I think I’m bound to the length of the commands of the build in ‘remote send command’ from Home Assistant. If this is a Broadlink RM3 integration issue, I would love to hear about an alternative to the IR remote.

It would be great if it is possible since the remote control is near instant and always responds even though it goes throught this whole path: Hue switch > Sonoff zigbee dongle > HA > Broadlink. It also would be great because the configuration is universal. You can activate any output device using this. Thanks

Still haven’t found a solution :frowning: