Hey, thanks for putting this together. I’m trying to add my WX2 now. Installed the HACS integration, have the local keys, and downloaded your gist to the devices folder. When I add it in the UI, it doesn’t pick up the device and gives an option of one of these three
Is there anything else I need to do to add a new device to the tuyalocal integration?
Here is my tuya-cli get
dps: {
'101': 0,
'102': 0,
'103': 14,
'105': '2',
'106': '0',
'107': 25,
'108': true,
'113': '0',
'115': false,
'117': false,
'120': 0,
'125': false,
'127': 'HOL9H007-062-055-000',
'150': 0,
'151': 0,
'152': 27,
'153': '0',
'154': 25,
'155': true,
'160': '0',
'161': false,
'162': false,
'166': false
cid: '991'
Side note, the product id seems to be different for me. I tried changing it but it didn’t help.
"result": [
"active_time": 1695509296,
"category": "wg2",
"create_time": 1695444492,
"custom_name": "",
"icon": "smart/icon/ay1556838860681oKmdO/1746f926ee7e6541d8188bf6ec32801f.png",
"id": "xxx",
"ip": "xxx",
"is_online": true,
"lat": "xxx",
"local_key": "xxx",
"lon": "xxx",
"model": "Emate gateway",
"name": "Wi-Fi Hub",
"product_id": "v9vxvkwqa48ayhlr",
"product_name": "Wi-Fi Hub",
"sub": false,
"time_zone": "+10:00",
"update_time": 1695509296,
"uuid": "xxx"
"success": true,
"t": 1695514650101,
"tid": "xxx"